[@Kurisa][@AbigailTenshi][@Oblivion666][@Axel][@KillBox][@rusty4297] Koyoshi bowed to Sai as she arrived with the others, it seemed like everything was just fine for this place to become their HQ, though not perfect it was the best they had in the area in her opinion. It was by this point that Kagiko started to give out rules on the others, she did not see these as too unreasonable, more so i the basic rules still applied as well, after all she knew that a few of their number had problems keeping themselves in check. The next few moments were of telling everyone about their assigned tasks, once again they were to be in pairs but what bothered her the most was her own task! Capturing a live hollow when they have not got the facilities to contain it was problematic, still the captain had picked the right persons to ensure capture with her set of shiki powers, though if he even knew about them was another matter. Turning to Sai for confirmation she made sure that it was a wise idea before starting to make her way to Akuseru, the man easily stood out from others. [color=fff79a][b][color=fdc68a]"Then we shall start right away, let us go then. There is sure to be one suitable within the city."[/color][/b][/color]