Ooh, fun. [b]*Name[/b]: Garie Tūmān [b]*Universe[/b]: Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX [b]*Appearance[/b]: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EPscxRsm.png[/img] [/hider] [b]*Personality[/b]: First and foremost Garie is completely loyal to Carol, enough that it serves as her primary motivation. Then again, that should not be surprising when one considers that it is Carol who made her. Beyond that, she has a surprising sense of sarcasm and humor. She enjoys what she does, and is very crafty, especially in fights. Has quite a bit of affection for her fellow Autoscorers, specifically Micha, even though she can disagree with them. [b]*Powers/Skills[/b]: As an Autoscorer, Garie has several abilities. The first is her mechanical body, which allows her to perform acts and feats beyond the normal human. She also has the ability to drain memories from another person with a kill. She can then subsequently use these memories as fuel, to make her abilities that much more powerful. Beyond that, she has extensive alchemical control over the element of water, allowing her to create it from nothing, to use it as a defense a weapon, and her fighting style utilizes it greatly. [b]*Brief Bio[/b]: An Autoscorer created by Carol Dienheim, Garie served her master faithfully, protecting her in combat, and aiding her in her plans by aiding in the revival of Micha. She then assisted in the destruction of the regular Symphogear used by SONG. From that point on her task turned to unleashing the various ley lines in Japan and preparing the Chateau de Tiffanges. Her last act was as a sacrifice, allowing Maria Cadenza Eve to kill her with the Dainsleif fragment, to advance Carol's plans. But rather than dying, she ended up somewhere unknown. Now she seeks a way to return, to ensure that Carol's plans succeed. [b]*Equipment[/b]: Several alchemical crystals which can be used to summon Alca-Noise, as well as a crystal which allows her to teleport back to the Chateau de Tiffanges. However, this one doesn't work. [b]*Others[/b]: Her fighting style is based around ballet. Blue is best doll :D