[quote=@Sini] Mhm, be advised though that as Imperial rule is collapsing, you guys risk being isolated in the Outer Rim. No reinforcements will be coming other than those you can get for yourself. The Rebel Alliance has just won a major victory, and a lot of their soon to be consolidated holdings are in the Outer Rim (along the Sanctuary Pipeline) and the southern reaches of the Hydian Way, Corellian Trade Spine and the Corellian Run. Basically you're about to set up shop in a wasp's nest of 'filthy Rebel scum'. :P Endor isn't that far away from Yavin, so that would prove interesting. I do not want to convince you to take a different starting spot, but just want to point out that what might concern you. [/quote] All the more reason there needs to be Imperial Order within the Region. Plus the Rebels will focus more on getting coruscant and the Inner Rim territories where the Imperials are stronger, than just us in the Outer rim.