[h2]Nate Caterini - Husker's [/h2] Nate liked to pretend that he was the most put together guy on planet Earth. He liked to think he was perfect in everyway. He had the strength of ten men;however, it was more like the strength of five men. This really did not change depending on the werewolf in question. It seemed that all of them had differences where the vamps seemed rather uniform. They all had more or less the same powers. Luckily for Nate, their sense of smell was not as good as his was. Nate could smell the lack of morphine in his blood; consequently, he was not focusing on the guy in front of him. Being killed by the monsters in this city was more important that the cute guy in front of him. That was how messed up that he was. He could not trust anyone and this Levi guy could be working for the vampires. Nate was brought back to the real world when he saw Levi overfill the drink he was pouring. Nate looked up and smiled at him. "That was unfortunate. When I mess up I go through glass windows or get hurt." He admitted sheepishly. He looked down at his food and started to eat. He looked up at Levi and thought for a second. "Wow this is really good. Seems I was smart to get the bartender's idea." He said as he ate. He usually was not this nosy but he had to know. Levi was not from this area and it was Nate's job to find out where this guy came from. "So Mr Levi, where are ya from? I am going to say there is no way that you are from around here. It does not sound like you are choking on some sort of honey comb. I can tell you are from... Somewhere that is not here?" He joked as he looked up at Levi with a large smile on his face. "Oh how long are you gonna be working? I have this party in the woods tonight and was wondering if you would want to join me. Just a simple party." He asked looking right in Levi's eyes. He might as well try his hand at all of this. It was just an offer so he did not care what the guy would say.