[@Grey Star][@Rin] This world was beyond weird. She'd seen plants and critters alike, none of which seemed like anything she'd ever witnessed on Earth. There were neon pink beetles, flies that six set of wings instead of just two. She'd dared taste one of the berries she had found earlier, and found it incredibly sour to the point where she had to spit it out seconds after biting into it. She had then thrown the rest of the berries away, saving her tanktop and chest from the possibility of them smearing themselves all over her if she accidentally squished them for one reason or the other. As she'd continued passing over and under branches--hanging low and high--she'd faintly heard what Tamaki had said (or rather shouted), that they were on a giant creature that carried this forest on its back. A literally living mountain it seemed. For some reason she didn't quite feel as if the news surprised her. Things had been strange ever since they got here, not to mention the fact that they had arrived here so suddenly and without warning. She'd walked through the door to her apartment, having just collected her sword from the smith, and suddenly found herself standing in a forest. Of course they were in an entirely different world, nothing else made sense. "Assuming anything made sense at all," she muttered under her breath, pulling herself up in her arms unto a thick branch. She had a somewhat better vantage point here, but was still below the foliage of the trees, and thus could not see all that far. She could see critters aplenty, but not much else of interest. Instead, she simply sat down on the branch, leaning against the trunk of the tree. A... [i]something[/i] seemed to poke her in the back of her head. Not in a physical sense, but more mental, or even metaphysical? It was as if something was trying to make itself known. She'd felt some sort of dormant presence ever since she'd taken her first step in this strange forest, but it wasn't before the past few minutes that it seemed to become almost insistent. Her lips pursed and her gaze went skywards, fingers interlocking behind her neck. [i]What is it?[/i] She thought, trying to "poke" it with her own mind, but feeling nothing and sensing nothing. Poking it was the same as whenever she poked a make-believe intruder in her mind when she was a child; It was empty, and amounted to nothing. She sighed, a mix of confusion and curiosity settling over her, seasoned with a slight bit of worry. Something was different about her but she couldn't for the life of her figure out what exactly it was that was different than before. In some strange way that didn't quite make sense, it felt as if she were capable of more--far more--than she had been just a few hours prior, when she still was on Earth. She brought one arm in front of her, the tan skin stretching smoothly across the toned, yet subtle, muscles underneath. She looked as she had before stepping onto this giant creature. Her muscles hadn't grown, nor did she have any new appendages or additions to her body. A thought struck her. [i]What if...[/i] Concentrating on her arm, she tried to seek out that strange presence in the back of her mind, trying her best to coax it to the forefront of her mind. It felt like wading into a lake, getting more and more difficult the further along she got. With the same stubbornness she had used whenever her muscles screamed at her to stop during training, she kept going, watching every perceived change. Seconds passed with nothing, but then a tingling started in her arm, and her skin seemed the harden and dividing into segments. The change of her arm was such a surprise that she lost all concentration she had, her skin returning to normal without a single blemish of any kind. Her mouth hung open, eyes wide in surprise. That was new. That was strange. That was... [i]Magical.[/i] It had only been a single experiment, but it was enough for her to know that there was definitely something different about her. She could only call it magic for now, but only time would tell. Unfortunately, it seemed as if that time would have to wait. A mechanical sound filled the air, bringing her out of her reverie. It seemed almost too normal for place this strange, prompting her to climb further up in the tree until she could see much farther. What she saw sent a chill down her spine, starting alarm clocks in her head. A swarm of something akin to robots were laying waste to the forest they were in, albeit far away from them. That, however, did nothing to assuage her fear. It was adrenaline and her body's instincts that acted rather than herself. He all but jumped down from the tree in a single leap, landing in a roll and transitioning into a sprint as soon as she got onto her feet. She reached the clearing in which they had found the lake in the span of a handful of seconds, barely even out of breath, yet still breathing deeply. She didn't know what was coming, and she didn't want to know. There was nothing that could convince her that those things bombarding the forest were friendly. "You alright?" She asked out loud, eyes trained at the place where the sound of a propulsion system came from, not even looking to see if both Tamaki and Fiona were both there. "I think we've got incoming, and we might need to run." Her voice was shaky, hand clenched tightly against the scabbard in which her sword was. She knew it was meant for combat; for killing, but to say that she wanted to seriously use it was a lie.