[quote=TaliPaendrag] @Matt: There are several things that I have an issue with. 1. He's the chosen one of a prophecy that states he will end the world. That is a pretty heavy Sue trait to have, even if the other parts of the character balance out, and it's kind of hard to swallow.2. He essentially has nine powers at his disposal. (I included the communicating with old gods thing and excluded the transformation) That's far above what any character has.3. You specifically mention that he has limitless potential.4. The sensing good and evil thing would preemptively end any attempt at stealth by a villain, as no one would be allowed to join the team or be on the grounds without first going through the background checker. [/quote] 1) Hellboy was supposed to end the world, and in place of a massive freakin gun, my guy can huck fireballs. My guy was inspired by Hellboy. If it makes you feel better, would you prefer he had a Samaritan instead of his Magic? 2) The "Communicating with the Gods" Thing is purely for dialogue purposes, it's essentially for him to be able to talk with his father at some points. Like a Mobile Phone for deities. Unfortunately, Anubis never heard about how the future was Orange... And his "Ender of the World" Thing, i did say, that he hasn't got access to it at the moment, nor do I plan for him to gain access to it in the near future, it's something that can loom over him until end-game. It's just a little backstory. 3) Yes, Limitless Potential... So does every other character here. And I specifically put "Limitless Potential does not equal Limitless Experience" Because... Well, he has the potential to grow up to be a god... But he hasn't grown up yet, so he is still just Ab-Mortal, rather than Immortal. 4) Alright, that was just a little something to tie him more closely to the whole Anubis thing, but that can go easy.