[img]http://www.muyingzhi.com/game-images/Logo-Quiz-Answers/fantastic-four-20545-18094.jpg[/img] The negative zone, what only seemed like the ramblings of scientific theory in a notebook was now all too real. It swarmed him, caressed him, let him horrified and fascinated at the same time. He was afraid deeply he was gone now. The world he knew and existed on was no longer where he was going to be ever again. This strange world of deep red skies and rocky landscapes was going to be his home now. Though suddenly Reed felt a rift open up on him and begin sucking him in, though in the murky haze he saw a man in the distance. Ragged and unshaven beyond relief, but Reed realized immediately who it was. “Dad?” He never got an answer, as suddenly he was surrounded by water. Sure he knew how to swim, a result of a summer spent on the Jersey shore with mom and dad. Still the shock of everything caused him to flail mindlessly and choke on what tasted like very chlorinated water. Finally though he felt human contact as a pair of hands reached down and hoisted him up out of the water. “DdDdddduudddeee...” The two guys in question were in swim trunks, shirtless, and completely hammered by the sound of things. “You okay man, you fell out of the sky....” The other guy asked, again the stench of cheap booze reeking from his mouth. Coughing violently and finally catching his breath Reed paused, “Yeah no... I'm uh... I'm fine.” He had to steal a towel from the two drunks as he was still in his clothes but soaked. After sneaking away from the pool he quickly realized where he was, Las Vegas. How did he end up here though? If the teleporter was suppose to work he should be in Albany right? After talking someone into loaning him a cell phone he was able to call Dr. Storm and let them know he was there. They told him the others were there too interestingly, and that he had gotten them a room at the MGM Grand to stay at for the night. The five of them had been missing for an hour before all reemerging in Vegas. By the sound of things though Dr. Storm sounded both relieved and furious at the same time. Wither at him or the experiment failing itself Reed wasn't sure. Though part of him hoped the man didn't see Reed and Susan get close the way they did. It was ironic that Reed wound up at the MGM Grand's pool the way he did. He didn't have to worry about going far in wet clothes to get to his room. Though as he passed by the pool area one of the two drunks that he met ran up to him. “Hey man you dropped this thingy at the pool.” The guy handed Reed something he wasn't expecting at all. It was the apple that was meant for Albany, it made sense it didn't make it there given what happened to them. However it was what had happened to the apple that really confused him. The apple had been completely encased in ice. As Reed got his room key from the front desk, having to tell him “Don't ask” when they asked him why he was in clothes and soaking wet. Reed took the elevator up and got to his room. Though he wasn't sure what it was but as he got closer and closer Reed felt more and more sick. Eventually when he got to his room he couldn't help himself. Having making a straight line to the bath room. Where he felt his stomach unload, his body hunched down and Reed experienced a sickness he had never felt before. He couldn't even give his brain a chance to consider if it was all some side effect of the experiment that was causing him to violently vomit. Strangely though the more he puked the better Reed was feeling. By the time Reed had finally finished after what felt like an hour. He came out of the bathroom feeling completely better, heck weirdly better than he had ever felt. He changed out of the clothes he had on, taking the hotel room's courtesy robe and throwing it on before laying down at the bed. After a little while Reed heard a knock on the door and after a moment of hoping it was Susan, Ben came in lurched over and covered in sand and dirt. “Well... that fucking sucked.” Ben joked, though he clearly wasn't feeling all that great as he had to groan out the last few parts of it. Reed couldn't even help but nod his head in agreement. He then realized how Ben looked miserable and sickly like he had before. “Are you okay? I mean I just got gone puking in the bathroom. Why don't you go in and try too?” Reed suggested getting off of the bed to help Ben. His friend though rejected the help, instead taking a lay down on the other bed in the room. “No I could smell it from down the hall. I don't feel puke-y just like everything inside me hurts. I'll be fine man don't worry about it.” Reed frowned, worried about what was happening to them as he waited for any sign Harvey, Johnny, and most importantly Susan made it.