Within the crowded Bazaar, the masses of bodies had slowly forced the two fireteams to merged into a single large mass- the lack of manpower on the ground was also sort of forced them to combine, lest troopers be singled out. With both Smiles and Kent up on the rooftops, only seven of them remained on the ground to face threats. Blues and Campo took the front of the formation, while Triple Nines and the rookies made up the center, Pips was closer to the back monitering communications, and Norman was their rear guard. Up from above, Kent and Smiles watched over them with high powered blasters. As the squad slowly pushed its way through the bazaar, Blues could easily feel the tension building up. Not to the point where he had to shoulder his blaster and start pointing it at people who stood in front of them, but enough that he had to keep his head on a swivel, scanning the crowd for any sort of trouble. It was doubtful that the natives would start a shootout in the bazaar unless absolutely necessary, after all, this bazaar was one of the slum's lifelines, where all of their miserable poor folk got food and supplies they needed to live. Shooting up the bazaar to get a handful of soldiers was more detrimental to the livelihood of the slums than it was the Empire. Of course, natives and guerrillas were never known to be particularly bright or tactical. Their new kid piped up on the comms, reporting something suspicious going on nearby- not that the entire bazaar wasn't already filled with suspicious activity. Well, at least they knew he had eyes. Blues casually replied over the comms. "Keep an eye on it, mark it on the map. But keep moving- we're not here to investigate the bazaar, we're here to find a smuggler. 1st Squad will come around later to check everything out." The Twi'lek that had caught Winoda's eyes seemed to grow increasingly agitated in the distance, seemingly arguing with another native. He pointing angrily at the squad with one hand, the other never leaving the inside of his cloak, but he appeared to be in the middle of drawing something out of it. The two tails- upon being spotted by Norman immediately stopped moving and retreated backwards towards the crowds. They split up before leaving Norman's field of view. As they walked, Pips noticed the loud comm chatter quickly fall off, becoming eerily sparse for such a crowded location. "Hey Blues, Nines," Campo called out nervously from the head of their formation. Looking ahead, Blues saw what had gotten Campo's attention. Near the exit of the bazaar, stood four burly looking Twi'lek men. The men stared the squad down as they approached, arms crossed. The one who was obviously in charge had a vibroblade at his hip, and held a blaster pistol confidently in one hand. Opening a private channel between himself and Triple-Nine only, Blues spoke. "That's Rerark, one of Sarr'Khan's lieutenants. He might be able to take us to Sarr'Khan, or he might just shoot at us. How do you want to handle this?"