[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/pryq4b8z5/Detective_Logan_Colby.png[/img] [img]http://s30.postimg.org/kokjmninl/Detective_Logan_Colby.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=662d91]Suspect 4[/color] cleared her throat and adjusted herself. [color=662d91]"Why are we all here, exactly? I mean, the email mentioned something about kidnappings, but why [i]us[/i] specifically? I can't image we've got much in common."[/color] Colby smiled slightly. He knew this kind of question would crop up. He sat up in his chair, placed his hands on his lap and spoke. [color=steelblue]"You don't have much in common to each other, I'll give you that. But you [i]do[/i] have something in common with the kidnappings, each of you. There are all evident ties to you and the kidnappings that are taking place. Of course, not all of you are the kidnapper - or maybe even [i]kidnappers[/i], who knows - but you are all suspects. Now, any more questions before we start?"[/color]