While visiting some high-end stores was not on the top of Olivia's list of things to do, she couldn't exactly say it wasn't something that she didn't want to do either. Olivia had never been greedy or selfish. She had always been realistic and level-headed, never asking her mother to buy her nice things that they couldn't afford. Olivia had been more than content with the life they lived, though she had strived to do her best in academics so that she could help support her and her mother by getting a good job. That wasn't to say that Olivia didn't want to see what the world of the well-to-dos was like, but she did not yearn for their lives or their material goods. At this time, however, the story was a bit different. If there was a store--any store--that had useful supplies of any sort then Olivia would go and clear it out no matter if it was a thrift store or a fancy department store. Besides, her main goal was still to find some decorations for Christmas. "I think that's a good idea," Olivia agreed when Shawn suggested moving the boat. "I can't guarantee that I wasn't followed coming back, and like you said we've pretty much wiped this area clean. We'll leave tonight when it gets dark." She squeezed his hands in reassurance--not only for him but for her too. Everything would be alright, she told herself. It would all be alright. Under cover of night Olivia untied the boat from the dock and hauled up the anchor. They sailed away from the shore for a few miles before heading farther up north, keeping parallel to the shore. Soon they had the boat pulled up to a larger set of docks with even bigger boats than the ones they had seen at the other docks. Yeah, this was definitely the high-end of town alright. At least it [i]had[/i] been in its hey-day. Once they had their Sunseeker settled in, Olivia wandered over to Shawn who was at the helm and came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning in to kiss his back. "Let's go to bed, love," Olivia suggested.