[@Raijinslayer][@Oblivion666] [center]:::[b]District One[/b] | [b]CCG HeadQuarters[/b]::: [color=F0E68C][h3]First Class Miyoko Ruri[/h3][/color] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/Recolouring%20TG%20Agent_zpszrnsyw4s.png[/img][/center] Miyoko kept quiet as Raven and Atsuro conversed, but it wasn't until she had heard Raven's translation of his English rambling did her bored look change... [color=F0E68C][b]"Ahmhmhmhm"[/b][/color] Humming her laughter, Miyoko couldn't prevent a suddenly amused expression burst through her bored features. Atsuro became quiet due to this man's words, clearly she wasn't the only one able to heard the mass amount of stupidity in Raven's pointless ramble. [color=F0E68C][b]"I'm not sure if you're bold or just plain stupid hmhm. That excuse is not good enough, as an investigator you effectively work 24/7. From what I've just, the American branch is filled with a bunch of slackers. I don't care how tied you are, the ghouls also don't care how tired you are. If you want to sleep then leave and go to your room kid."[/b][/color] Her amusement slipped off of her face halfway through her speech, returning her cold features to their rightful positions, looking even more bored than before. [color=F0E68C][b]"Now enough wasting our time with your pointless quick judgements. I came here because I was ordered to give you an assignment. One that Rank 1 investigator Atsuro Volke will be leading. And my apologises for not introducing myself sooner, I'm First Class Miyoko Ruri, your superior. You need not question my experience as have a vast amount of it, proven by my current position and skill. My personal affairs are none of your business, it seems to me they didn't teach you what respect and manners are in America. Anyway, back to the assignment."[/b][/color] Reaching a hand into the inner side of her jacket, Miyoko pulled out a file before handing it over to Atsuro. - [b]Case 3: Abandoned Water Plant[/b] - [color=F0E68C][b]"Within this file is a report on an anonymous tip that we've received. The location is an old water purification plant that can only be accessed via a sewer entrance adjacent from the plant. We have reason to believe a ghoul may be using this location as to hide or even for something else. You two are being sent to thoroughly search the facility, take pictures and samples of whatever you can find and return. Raven, Volke is who you'll be answering to throughout this case. If you, at any point, go against an order of his, I will see to it that you get demoted once again. I am aware that you had been demoted from Rank 1 to Rank 2, don't think it can't happen again. We have no space for time wasters. Also, watch what you say, because it will work against you, I assure you it will."[/b][/color] The last sentence Miyoko had said was given a much darker tone to it compared to the rest of her speech. [color=F0E68C][b]"Volke if you have any issues, inform me of them immediately."[/b][/color]