I'm looking for interest in a highly narrative, lore heavy and rich game based on a few fantasy worlds like GoT, LoTR and Skyrim. [b]The Background[/b] Ellira, a peaceful world full of a large variety of people and races. There hadn't been all out war since the beginning of the Third era nearly 1500 years ago. The date is 5E 168, ideals have been changing slowly for the last several decades. The Kings of Provinces are slowly starting to be influenced by their people and as such have started changing their views on one of the most widely accepted practices of the world, magic. Since the Age of Dragons and even since the creation of the world, magic has been one of the most influential aspects of people's lives. Many had sought the study and mastery of the arcane art. These mages eventually formed colleges in the provinces that most openly accept and use magic. These colleges act as a safe haven for mages to come and practice their magic without fear of harming others, they may also study in any of the many schools of magic such as Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration and Illusion magic. However, many are starting to believe that magic is an art that has outlived its usefulness and necessity in the world and have started to ban the use or study of magic. These anti-mages believe that magic is a disgusting practice that alters the world as the gods have made it, that it is destroying the image the gods had for the world and must be stopped. This has caused outrage in the mages and their allies who believe strongly in the usefulness of magic to maintain stability in the world, they believe that the gods granted man with magic to survive. This contradiction of ideas has led to a lot of tension between provinces, both calling for unified action against the opposing side. Although no fighting has officially broken out there are many extremist movements from both sides taking far more drastic actions to give their side the advantage. The pro-magic extremists: The Gilded Cross, are moving in many ways, both using magic to destroy towns of anti-magic provinces, regardless of the ideals of the people in the town and researching powerful dark magic to separate the anti-magic provinces from the mainland and cast them a drift at sea to bring peace; and the anti-magic extremists: The Broken Wand, who are simply sticking to murder, destruction and imprisonment of mages and mage sympathizers to reduce the number of opposing forces to their reform. For now there is peace, but it is unstable and threatened with every passing day. [b]The Plot[/b] Chapter 1: Beginnings - Order and peace must be restored and the only way for that to happen is compromise, but no one is willing to compromise while both extremist groups are taking action against each side and causing panic and fear. Many wish for restored peace, but conditionally in accordance to their side's beliefs. Peace may yet be achieved, or destroyed, but it truly depends on those who are willing to take action to one outcome or the other. I want at least 5 or 6 other dedicated 18+ players who can promise to post at least 3-5 times a week. Who's interested?!