As Mitzy shifted her things around she listened as Lavender and Karen spoke. She smiled to herself, feeling less worried than what she was only a few moments ago. Having Karen and Lavender with her made her feel safe. "Ah!" Mitzy spied the little tin container of catnip, grabbing for it before holding it up into the air. "I've got it." She grinned eagerly as she nearly torn of the lid, as if she herself was hungry for catnip. Mitzy froze for a moment when Karen asked about all the things Mitzy removed from the bag. "Uh- You mean my toys?" She pinched a bit of catnip, leaning towards Elijah with a flat palm. "I didn't mean to bring so many... but I didn't know if I was going to make friends.. And I didn't want to get bored." She looked to her feet as she mumbled. "Meep!" Harold reached one claw towards the catnip. "You already ate half the cat-nip, Harold- Save some for later!" She closed the can, placing it back in her bag.