A young girl sits atop the barracks of the 2nd company on a seemingly normal day. To her side is a small bento box that had been half devoured. The girl has her traditional shinigami gi and a red ribbon tied up her long silky black hair into a pony tail. Her bangs fall just past her thin glasses that she pushes up her face as she wipes the rice from her mouth. On her other side is an abnormally long zanpakuto that is disproportionate to her height. Letting out a sigh she leans back slightly to look up at the sky. She wasn't particularly bored or sad but she felt like she just didn't have the energy really needed to start the day. However this was put to a sharp halt when a sudden earthquake hit and she fell backwards off of the roof. Luckily for her she landed with all the grace of a cat just on her feet. A voice sounds out over the seireitei and she is informed that there is now a new Head Captain. [color=ed1c24][b]"What on earth..." [/b][/color]she starts as she brushes herself off. Grabbing her zankpakuto which had also fallen beside her she throws it over her back and rushes out of the barracks. It was lucky too as the captain of 11th company, the Kenpachi, unleashed an attack that brought the whole building down merely seconds later after having left the building. [color=ed1c24][b]"This is crazy!" [/b][/color]She exclaims to herself as she sets off to find someone who might be able to give her an answer of what just happened.