[quote=@Apollosarcher] [@Prince of Seraphs] Fi would be fun, Ghirahim I don't know to much about but I do think he would be interesting as well. I think Fi would be interesting because maybe that's the Link to the first hero. [/quote] I believe I mentioned this during the last RP but I had this storyline where Ghirahim was forged as a twin to Fi and Hylia fought with both of them. Demise stole and corrupted one of the blades which was how he was able to weaken Hylia to the point of needing to take a human form. To ease Fi's suffering Hylia wiped her memory of her twin blade. That kind of backstory would work better if I could control both characters but if I have to choose only one...? DON't MAKE ME CHOOSE, ANYTHING BUT THAT. I sort of like Ghirahim's character better but I'm not sure exactly how he would fit into the story given he is still really evil.