Itsuki saw the move as it happened; the giant yellow armoured man drew his shoulder forward and his underarm away from her strike. Her swords dragged themselves across his armour, Akuma leaving a groove in the metal as sparks flew as her strike was deflected. Then the giant drew back, grabbed his sword by the blade and thrust it at her like a spear. It was long enough to give him lots of space to avoid whatever she might've thrown at him. But she had a semblance of a plan. From her initial strike, left arm crossed high and right over her right, which was down low and left, she brought her right arm back towards her right, bringing Akuma's blade across her body as the broadsword's blade drew close. Another clash of metal echoed in the chamber as katana met broadsword, and even though she wasn't as strong as he was, his forward momentum was easily shifted into sideways momentum as she parried his stab, taking a step backwards to avoid any more forward movement. That was part one. Part two involved her left arm and Sei. With the giant's left hand gripped tightly onto his blade, he left his whole left side open. She knew Sei's blade wasn't as sharp, but she had confidence that her strike would find some sort of chink or open seam. The wakizashi still in a backhand grip, she drew her hand backward, close to her face. Then she took a step forward and to the left, avoiding the broadsword's blade as it stabbed by, and returned the stab, driving Sei straight towards Judgement's side with all her strength.