[center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] Ira instantly became intrigued with the woman’s story. What got to him the most was that it seemed she was bored with her position. It was sorta like she was settling. He personally thought Hana’s power could be used for so much more. [color=red]”Have you ever thought about being a wandering traveler. Its not so bad. You see a lot of the world that you wouldn’t normally get to.”[/color] Ira felt as if he words would have no affect but maybe he could plant the thought in her mind. By this time he’d realize that this one guild had too much power. Eventually they would begin to bump heads. [color=red]”As you said yourself Hana, you’re still young. Why spend the rest of your life cooped up in this guildhall because your power is so overwhelming. Why listen to another person when you have the power to live free. I’ve never quite understood such manners. Maybe you can explain that to me.”[/color] Ira felt as if he were beginning to make his point the would push further but not to far . As he didn’t want to piss the beautiful samurai off. Last thing he needed was another enemy. [/center] [@j8cob]