[hider=Appearance:][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx8r76zlPO1r2dbz3o1_1280.png] This, but is some more buff (is that even English?). Also, not my image, credit goes to original author.[/hider] Name: Lykourgos (Lyke) Ekain Age: 37 Species: Horse Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship Status: Single, however has been with many people, not for a serious relationship, but would like a serious relationship. Occupation: Captain. Thinking of giving it up as his full-time job. Personality: Everyone sees him as calm, quiet, and sometimes shy. Not that he is mysterious, just that he is somewhat slow to open up. As soon as he has some trust in someone, he can drown you with information, if you're interested, because he is always listening to others, first. He is, though, really upbeat, energetic and fun (in fact, he has a lot of energy, and could probably run for several hours straight, which causes him to be jumpy and antsy often). He will, no matter what, find the best in every situation, and make everyone around him happy. He can become flirtatious when he's in the mood, and is an outgoing kind of drunk (not pompous). Other: He wants to settle down. He wants a new, strong relationship, and a job that doesn't take him away from home often (maybe a club or barcade?). He is also willing to wait awhile before doing so, and will always keep boating as a hobby. (Can my character already have a home on the island?) Theme Song: [youtube]Pwq0ArItO1E[/youtube]