[h2]Hana Oshiro - [color=deeppink]The Last Samurai[/color][/h2] The pink-haired woman thought about Ira's words. [color=deeppink]"I have already traveled across a good part of the continent,"[/color] she explained. [color=deeppink]"Though my eyes are nowhere near close to seeing it all. I stay with the Wizards of Fiore because my honor and duty binds me."[/color] Without looking away from Ira, Hana's right hand shot out with her index finger pointed outwards. Whipping it vertically at high speed, an arc of cherry blossoms were created. Immediately this "sword" of pink petals blasted towards the incoming table, slicing clean through it to leave two perfectly symmetrical pieces to crash into the bar to either side of Hana (one of the halves being quite close to hitting Ira but not actually touching him) while her Kamikaze spell passed through the rest of the guildhall and sliced clean through the opposite wall. [color=deeppink]"Besides, having a home and friends is nice,"[/color] Hana continued with Ira. She had all the intentions of ignoring the attack on her but those plans were thwarted when Isshum actually spoke up. At this point the woman actually turned to face the Dragon Slayer. Her expression wasn't quite annoyed, but rather pout-y. Like she didn't want to fight him. [color=deeppink]"Fighting in the guild hall is ri-... ridi-... ridiculous. You know that neither of our magics are suited for indoors."[/color] Hana turned away from Isshum, but not before pointing at him and making a circular motion. From his feet began to spew thousands upon thousands of cherry blossoms, quickly surrounding him in a narrow but dense vortex that stretched all the way up to the ceiling. The pink petals were so thick and rapid in their movements that no one could see in nor could Isshum see out. The floor and ceiling that was in contact with the Vortex spell was being sliced up from the blossoms, proving that the petals were dangerous. [color=deeppink]"If I were to draw my sword against you, Isshum, you would not survive. We can duel later, outdoors."[/color] At this point Hana returned her attention to Ira, as if she was unaware of the swirling tornado of pink blossoms that she had created in the middle of the guild hall. Specifically to trap and isolate Isshum, one of the loudest and most boisterous, to boot. [color=deeppink]"What was I saying?"[/color] Hana asked, mostly to herself, as she brought a hand to her chin. [color=deeppink]"Oh, right. I like it here, with a wizard guild. I had done enough traveling when I was little to satisfy my desire to move. Perhaps maybe you should consider finding a home one day instead of walking across all of Earthland. There are only so many years you get to have in this world, after all."[/color]