[@Raijinslayer] [@WaddleDaisy] [@Eklispe] [color=7ea7d8][h2]Kuroku Nagasai[/h2][/color] As both Aiden and Taka went inside the cave, Kuroku stayed back with Aiden as he sat down on a nearby log. Despite the foreboding cave in front of them, the scenery out here was indeed beautiful. The beautiful plains and the snow-capped mountain at the horizon, all seemed like something from a story book when he was younger. It brought back nostalgic memories of back home when his mother would read to him stories when he was little. Those were indeed the good ol'e days. But before he could continue, he thought to have heard some yells and shouts coming from inside the cave. He recognizes the voices of Taka and Aiden, but also hears some grunts and squeals. Of course, Kuroku knows what those grunts came from. Ogres! However, he still sits on the log as from what it sounds like the mages are winning. He and Bristle will not come into the cave unless Taka and Aiden need severe back up. As long as they have everything under control, there's nothing to fear... [@Renny] [@chukklehed] [h2]Matisuki Kiryuin[/h2] Matt issues a short laugh until he felt cold steel touching the back of his neck and the words 'Checkmate' issued by Vivian. Matt wasn't scared, hardly startled, but in fact he laughed even louder! Even as the sword brushed by him as it withdrew, was he still chuckling. [b]"Alright."[/b] Matt says, [b]"Ya caught me good. Have to say I wasn't at all expecting that."[/b] Yet Matt just snorts at Isshum's remark about beating him, barely even feeling the punch the dragon slayer threw at his shoulder. [b]"It takes much more then just beating me or Miss Hana,"[/b] he remarks to what Isshum said, [b]"Let alone doing it one on one. After all, did I mention you reek of arrogance~?"[/b] But his sentence trails off as Isshum approaches Hana, who was talking with that black mage, really itching to fight her. However, all he was met was a tornado of sharp petals to the face and ultimately covering him up. Matt can only sigh and chuckle as he watches from afar. [b]"You still have much to learn, little salamander."[/b] Matt says quietly as he stands with his arms crossed. How he would be happier if the dark mage can quickly like... bug off or something.