[h3][color=purple]Bristle[/color][color=blue]bane[/color] [/h3] Bristlebane grinned and snatched up the sword taking an experimental swing, "[b]Nah it looks just right.[/b]" That was a lie of course it was way too big and he would probably never use it except for when he shouldn't. Whoa, this sword was weird though, it felt like it had a little fire inside, and it made weird noises. Maybe there was like some sort of fire spirit inside. Sweet. He stuffed the sword inside his cloak, the large blade mysteriously vanishing into one of his many pockets. Then he followed the group to the cave and reluctantly waited outside with Kuroku. Quickly he viewed the beautiful scenery around them, hm, it seemed like this place was familiar, weird. However he rapidly became bored of this and took out a yo-yo and began playing with it, after a couple of tricks his ears perked up at the sound of fighting from the cave. Bristlebane looked at Kuroku eagerly but the ice mage calmly sat there, clearly thinking the situation was under control. Bristlebane let out a mournful sigh and replaced the yo-yo with a box of crackers and began munching on them, silently watching his companion for a sign that they could move out. [@Lmpkio] [@WaddleDaisy] [@Raijinslayer]