[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CyYjvrD.png[/img] [h3][color=#B80000][b] I S S H U M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] [b]I[/b]t was over before it had even begun. Trapped within the pink-petals of sharp death, Isshum could only feel the overwhelming calm that dripped from Hana’s smiling face. Defeat was comically on his face. With wide white eyes, sweat falling from his face, and his arms tight to his side; he had official given up. The soft whirling of the vortex betrayed its intentions. [color=#B80000][b] “I[/b] don’t have time for later!”[/color] he yelled from inside. [color=#B80000][b] “I[/b] need the title of Hero now. I’ve waited ten years already, I won’t let another go by!”[/color] [b]T[/b]he smell of Hana’s magic filled his senses but he still had an image of where she was. Knowing Hana, she was so confident in her ability to beat him that she wouldn’t move even if he threw his strongest attack at her. Even still, he knew when he was beat and gave up, sitting down on the ground criss-cross. [color=#B80000][b] “L[/b]et me out dammit,”[/color] he muttered, putting the side of his chin on his fist. [color=#B80000][b] “I[/b]’m not as strong as Natsu or that other guy but dammit … I’m a fire dragon slayer just like them. I can become hella strong too.”[/color] [b]A[/b]s he waited, he put his hands together in his lap and begun to form sparkling flames. The light of a firecracker snapped between his palms. It made him smile genuinely. [color=#B80000][i][b]F[/b]ire can make people smile too. I know it can.[/i][/color] [@j8cob]