[h1]Ogre Cave[/h1] Taka's foe was quickly blasted back by mage's attacks, falling into the space below after taking a fatal misstep. However, before he fell to his doom, the monster lashed out with his weapon, sending a wide, concentrated wave of energy at the two mages. The atrack would move very quickly, giving them little time to react to it. Aiden lept to the ground to avoid it, barely getting by as the blade passed very close to his head. As he hit the ground, however, he was sturck by two things: One, that the energy carried with it the scent of blood, which was likely what powered the attacks, and Two, that the energy itself held a familiar feel to it, a taint that he couldn't quite identify. Getting up from the ground, he looked over at Taka to make sure she was okay, but before he could say anything, he heard a loud collection of roars and snarls coming from below. It seemed that a majority of the monstrous congergation were making there way up towards the two via the winding ramp up to them. The rest were pulling the victims out if the cages to tie to the altar, as well as going into a side area to pull out a throne with two rods across the bottom for 4 Ogres to carry it with. Sitting atop the throne was a hooded figure covered in thick robes, the only thing vvissible about him was a gnarled hand with black, claw-like nails that carried a largr wooden staff with a strange, liquidy orb atthe top of it. It grunted commands to the creatures in what seemed to be their own language, his bestial words driving them into a frenzy as they charged ever nearer. Aiden quickly dismissed his Naginata to take an Ice Make stance, drawing in Magical energy before shouting out the name. "Ice Make: Slashing Wyverns!" From hus hands flew outa flurry of dragonic shapes with razor sharp wings, cutting down the frontline of the charge before they were broken by more energy waves. It did spook them a bit, halting them long enough to let Aiden use another spell. "Ice make: Bones of the ancients." He let out a wave of ice magic, which dispersed over to the shards of the previous attack within the horde. Before they knew it, several spires of ice formed, trapping a lot of them in place and limiting the numbers of those who could get through. "Taka, get down there and stop the leader, I'll hold these guys off of you. No need to call Kuroko for this one, it'll ne a cakewalk." The Ice Dragonslayer gave the girl a smile before launching himself into the fray, cutting down his foes with both magic and martial prowess. The Ogres on tge ramp would focus on him, but those surrounding the robed leader would stand firm, eyes seeming to glow frighteningly as they swung their blades in the girl's direction, the weapons emitting a baleful howl on each swing. The robed man, on the other hand, waa directing the few creatures not defending his person to strap a young man to the head of the altar. The yoh g man struggled, screaming in a strange language at both the beast and the man, but neither saw fit to respond. The man merely began to point his staff at the young man, muttering a low chant as a black magic circle formed in the orb on top of it. Outside the cave, Kuroko would suddenly feel the brooch thrum with energy, as if responding to something. Whispers would echo in his mind, telling him thungs in a faint breath that he couldn't recall, but filled him with a feeling of unpleasantness. If he examined the object, he'd find the runes glowing a sinister red as the metal began to darken from thr lustrous silver to a solid black. However, the magic given off wouldn't by the brooch wouldn't feel dark, in fact, it gave off a very warm aura, but it seemed to be drawing in the dark energy from another source, as if reacting to someone. [@WaddleDaisy] [@Lmpkio] [@Eklispe] [center][h1]Revan[/h1][/center] All the noise from Belial and Isshum was enough to rouse Revan into an annoyed state, but as they soon quoted down, Revan was just about to go back to sleep when he felt a presence appear that he hadn't felt in a long time, but recognized instantly. Nobody else made his skin crawl with their mere presence than this person. Gtting up with a yawn and a rumble he leaped down from the rafters to land behind Alice, this time with a much lighter step. "Huh, been awhile since I've felt your angelic presence, Alice." Revan said, spitting out the word angelic like it was poison, which it might as well have been to him. His demon blood reacted very badly in the woman's presence, driving him towards snuffing out her light everytim he saw her. He never let on to this fact, as he was in well enough control of himself, but still, it was no secret that while he had no issues with the woman personally, he had an issue being around her when he was trying to sleep. It was nearly impossible to do around her, and when he did manage it, he always woke a lot more grumpy and irritable than usual, which was really saying something. "So, given that you're back, I assume you want to join the guild, eh? Think you're ready for that, kid, 'cause last time I saw you, it was pretty bad." Revan did bear a slight amount of concern for the other mage's mental health, as he'd seen the condition she was in when rescued, and while he'd seen(and done) much worsen it was still pretty bad.