Time melted into an endless sea of wind and snow as the party progressed slowly but doggedly over the frozen landscape. Nothing remotely resembled recognizable landscapes any more, everything having been buried under still accumulating layers of thick snow, seemingly intent on rendering the entire world completely flat and frozen in time. Catching an updraft Malaena took the brief moment to rest her wings, letting the air current bear her higher in a lazy curve. It did not last long, and a moment later she dipped into an opposing current, spinning in a tight arc that dropped her lower once more, leveling off and returning her gaze to the mass of blurry shadows below. She had taken the last couple of days to study those on the ground, gaining what little knowledge that could be garnered from this distance. There had not been much interaction between the parties during the single meal they had all shared back at Hopsfield's home, and even if there had been she would have remained at a distance, content to keep to herself and observe. A rush of wind caught Malaena's attention when the angel shot downward, a swirl of snow following her to the ground as she landed and disappeared into one of the wagons near the center of the caravan. Other than the hasty introduction between herself and Hopsfield himself the only other person Malaena had actually exchanged words with had turned out to be the daughter of their host. While the initial tension between the two lingered the pair had apparently come to a silent, mutual agreement of completely ignoring each other. At least, for the time being, who knew what the future would hold. It was growing rather tiresome, all this endless blowing and snow, and Malaena was half considering joining the caravan for a change of pace, when she spotted something on the horizon. Blurry and faint, but definitely there. Powerful wings beat against the angry wind as she surged upward until her line of vision was, if not clear, slightly more defined. Moments later the great bird plummeted toward the ground, wings tucked close together as she spun downward at an alarming speed. Horses shied and pranced away as the phoenix landed in a flurry of feathers and veils of curling smoke. Before their riders had managed to calm the startled mounts Malaena had emerged from the dissipating cloud of smoke and vapor, waving one of the paladins over with a flick of her wrist to inform him of what she had seen. No doubt there would be a discussion of what course of action to take, and it was for this reason alone she did not immediately return to the sky, instead weaving her way toward the middle of the caravan and taking a moment to examine the surroundings at ground level. After all that effort to change she might as well stay on the ground for awhile and see what moods were circulating amongst all these wagons and shuffling feet. Many she passed seemed completely miserable, tucked into their furs as tightly as possible, paying no heed to their left or right, simply trudging onward until they were given the command to halt. No doubt a good portion of them would suffer from severe frostbite and many other ailments before this entire thing had come to completion. Rounding the corner of a sturdy wagon Malaena approached the spot where Hopsfield stood, just in time to overhear Volkimir voice his question, fitful wind snatching away the words as quickly as they left his mouth. "You are correct in your assumption." Covering the last few feet between them, Malaena nodded her head slightly as she confirmed the Dark Prince's question. Even as she spoke she was studying both men, gauging their body language and expressions. While Volkimir did not offer much, Hopsfield was somewhat easier to read. He seemed distracted, as though dealing with an internal conflict and attempting get a handle on himself before hasty judgments were called. "We have apparently stumbled upon the very path a fair sized group of northmen seem to be aiming to take. Their numbers are sizeable, but from this distance it is unclear as to what their intention may be." There were several possible reasons for those of the north to head further south. They could be bent on using this unnatural winter to their advantage, amassing an army and setting out to further expand their territories. Or they could be seeking shelter by abandoning their homes and heading toward what should be milder climates. In any case it was probable they meant ill-will to those they came across. For barbarians did not simply seek shelter at the mercy of others. They laid claim and conquered.