Name: Christa Anne Hawes Age: 23 Looks: Short hair, curly and puffy. looks like a dandelion quite often. it's a gentle honey brown and her eyes are hazel, changing every day. She's about five-foot-four and has a delicate figure. curved and wide hips with a 40 D-bust. She wears over-sized t-shirts with random graphics or words on them with tight jeans and tennies that are black with neon red laces. She wears glasses but she has bad vision anyway. her ears are pierced in the lobes and she wears simple silver hoops. has a silver mp3 player she always keeps with her Skills: very good with directions and guiding people around in the wilderness, decent with a baseball for hitting things. Important info: music obsessed, very friendly towards women and suspicious towards men. Weapons: Baseball bat, aluminum with red paint that says 'The Enforcer' and a handgun she stole from a neighbor. Tools: backpack filled with food and drink, belt with various little tools like a Swiss army knife and a wrench Personality: a little odd and goofy, tends to make odd references and such. very into music and art, likes to draw randomly with a pen she has on herself if bored. gets a little shy around pretty girls, but still tries to flirt a little. Bio: She was raised by a very religious woman, a semi-religious sister and a agnostic father. she has very strange beliefs and when her family disappeared, she panicked. when she woke, she found herself in the arms of a woman she didn't know, in a park nearby her home. Theme song: Quote: "'re hot."