Name: Roxanne Scott Age: 20 Looks: Tall, thin and lanky like a beanpole. Moderate B cup bust and kinda bony hips. She has very prominent collar and cheek bones and thick, curly dark brown hair that goes to almost her shoulders. Likes sundresses and shorts with tank tops and other kinds of summer clothes. Usually wears her eyeliner winged sharp enough to kill a man, but aside from lipstick doesn't bother with much makeup. Usually wears elaborate, dangle earring. Two pieces of jewelry that she is never without are a pendant of a man on a bicycle from her grandfather and a simple, silver spinner ring from her first girlfriend. Skills: Writing, first aid, and fairly handy with tools. Important info: Loves anything retro, especially the 50s. Is very friendly, but ironically pretty awkward. Weapons: Fire axe and cheap, made in China dagger. Tools: First aid kit, camping basics, a saw, journal and pen, and her ukulele. Personality: Friendly and loves meeting people, though isn't always the best at conversation. Is quite a hipster in regards to her tastes, but has a sense of humour about it, often making jokes about "her aesthetic." She is also humorous in many other respects, being especially fond of puns. She loves to read and write, starting many stories, but often having trouble finishing them. She is a fan of her occasional quiet time, but is most at ease around one or two good friends. Will try anything once Bio: She had always been unsure of what the hell governed the universe and as such was notably shocked when the rapture finally did come. She was less shocked that it hadn't taken her. She quickly got her shit together and set out into the world completely unsure of what to do next, but that wasn't anything new. Theme song: Quote: "I have no idea what's going to happen so let's go find out."