[b]Los Angeles, Max Stross – Olympus Building [/b] Max was tapping his fingers against his desk as he looked over the most recent information on Elena Reese. She’d withdrawn about fifteen thousand dollars from her bank account, basically all her money. This was the day the Bennet Act was announced as well as the day of the high school massacre, and when Elena got caught using her power on the news. “Hmmm..it’s all connected she’s the key to finding out what happened at that school hmm.” Max turned to his laptop opening up some information he’d requested about the blood tests, going to the evolved human section to search through the abilities that had been documented so far. Damn I was hoping for something obvious, some way to create explosions, manipulate the earth, affecting gravity in some shape but it’s nothing that obvious. [i]Whoever’s behind that level of destruction most likely isn’t submitting to a blood test unless they don’t know what their power is meaning there even more dangerous.[/i] Max groaned in frustration he was certain that Elena Reese was tied into the school murders in some way, the withdrawing of all her money, the deaths of his agents and the CIA agent, as well as her getting caught on the news had all occurred on the same day. Max suddenly got several messages telling him to turn on the television changing to the news eyes widening at the shocking announcement. Claire Bennet shot in the head during Bennet Act speech. He was watching scenes of the news of the chaos outside the place she was giving the speech to in Manhattan, New York with the violence starting. “Hmm I never really liked her much myself, she was useful for the screens and not too dangerous by the agents but she was just a pretty face with a power it’s better she’s dead.” Max had no sympathy for the cheerleader who’d exposed her kind to the world, but was glad she did so he knew about the vast threat hidden in society. Max got a message from one of his agents and looked at the title Elena footage. “Hmm.” Max pondered on what that was, it was one of the agents that worked out of the LA Olympus location. He opened it and his attention was quickly caught as it some medium quality footage of Elena Reese getting into a car and then that car pulling off only for the video to be slowed and zoomed in on the license plate. “Fucking A..there we go.” Max read the rest of the message a mini report the agent had attached to the video. [i]Okay perfect got the footage, erased it so the local authorities can’t but in perfect, time to look up this plate and let’s see.[/i] Max memorized the license plate, wrote it down, then put together an e-mail sending it to Olympus’s resources department to find out who’s car this was. [i]One step closer to figuring this shit out.[/i] Max was happy his team was finally delivering him a win, he was going to find the person who drove that car and then hopefully find Elena Reese. [b]Peter Petrelli[/b] Peter had went out to his spot an apartment to catch some rest. He was tired of staking out the situation at hand with the testing center .Becky was locked up and he didn’t want to risk getting caught before he got the information he was going to receive about the facility from Matt. He instead went back to his apartment, and passed out tired from being up constantly working on the situation. After a refreshing nap he was up and getting dressed, packing a suit case full of items including a few weapons. “Time to go to Texas.” Peter went over to the remote, pressing the on button while striding over to his kitchen to get a glass of water. After filling his glass cup he came back to living room only to nearly drop his glass due to the headline. He managed to telekentically grab the glass at the last minute before it hit the ground and shattered lowering it gently to the ground. “What the fuck..CLAIRE!!!” Peter screamed as he saw the repeat of the shooting of Claire on the news as well as the title Claire Bennet shot. “No…no damn it I told you to listen to us damn it!” Peter spoke with distress in his voice as he put he clenched his fists. He knew it wouldn’t be long before things got bad for them due to the way the future always ended up, but he didn’t see Claire getting shot on live TV as one of the consequences. This had never happened hell he thought it would be leading up to her killing him and now this happened. “Claire…” Peter closed his eyes as some tears were about to well up. He vanished reappearing in-front of Claire moments before the bullet was about to hit with time stopped looking at his frozen niece and the bullet inches away from Claire. He reached for it then stopped as tears began to stream down in his eyes as he looked at Claire then the bullet thinking of the consequences of the butterfly effect. “Every-time we mess with time something bad happens but ….damn it..” Peter looked at his niece again with sadness as he vanished and time resumed the bullet hitting Claire as it had happened. He reappeared In the back alley near the diner in Austin where he was suppose to meet with Noah, Angela, and Matt dabbing his face dry. [i]All this shit has to stop!! All of it! [/i] Peter was filled with rage about what happened and a lingering temptation to try to mess with time to help Claire as he trudged towards the diner spotting his mother in a booth sitting by herself sipping tea meaning Matt and Noah weren’t there yet. [b]Blaire Anderson, Los Angeles California [/b] Blaire was driving through the streets of L.A. with some Future blasting out of her speakers as she was smoking a marijuana cigar. She’d told Elena she was running out for some food and water but that wasn’t exactly the entire truth of why she’d came out. [i]Where’s this fucker at. [/i] Blaire looked around her surroundings before taking another drag from her cigar and noticing the person she was looking for sitting on a bench. She drove over to him and parked blowing the horn. The man got up and made his way into the car opening the window and closing it to avoid smoke from coming out. “Damn fucking smokey as fuck in here Blaire, thought you were gonna wait till I get in the car to smoke it bae.” He said as she passed him the blunt and he hit a few times as she drove off. “Whatever Ryan we’re about to have plenty of fucking weed after what we’re about to pull off, shit money too.” She said as she kept driving heading to a location where there were few people and reverse parking in an alley. “Shit get to it and pass the blunt damn!” “Sheesh chill your really that insecure about how you look, haha here hit it I just hope you know what you’re doing.” Ryan said as he passed the cigar back to her and leaned back to get a good look on her. He focused on her as she was inhaling cannabis and used his ability causing her entire appearance to shift. Instead of a white female red head she was a black haired young Hispanic woman. “Mhmm I like it almost as sexy as you usually are.” “Ha ha funny but I slick do good, that’s just talent looking good no matter what you look like.” She spoke well of herself as she rolled down the windows and tossed the roach out letting the smoke come out. She looked at herself in the rear view mirror and smiled at how she now looked. She took the keys out the car and put them in Ryan’s hand. “Bet, don’t worry I’ll keep this shit straight and be out the area I’ll face time you if some shit is going down where I need you to come ASAP but you remember everything.” “Yeah Yeah I know what we’re doing, just drive off this shit is gonna be fun, “ Blaire got out of the car seeming very eager as Ryan got out of the passenger’s seat and into the drivers before pulling off. [i]I’m so glad he was in those files, he’s probably dangerous to be around too but shit he’s been locked up by the Government for this shit before we were even exposed so he knows how serious this shit is. His power is fucking clutch plus he’s slick hot.[/i] Blaire was going over the benefits she gained from the new friend she’d made as she began a short five minute walk to a large house that had to be owned by someone very wealthy. “This is the place.” She saw three cars in the drive way, all expensive. These people hadn’t heard of the art of stealth she wondered how long they had even if she wasn’t coming. She went over to the door and rang the door bell before knocking a few times. Suddenly the door creaked open and a man looked at Blaire glaring. “Who the fuck are..you.” “I’m here Juan sent me I brought the sample.” Blaire reached into her pocket taking out a small vial which seemed to contain some cocaine. The man begrudgingly looked at her then looked around before letting her in and closing the door. He began yelling in Spanish and some movement was heard from around the house. Blaire was met with the potent smell of marijuana as she entered the house, and she knew this was the right place. Suddenly another Hispanic man was seen coming from up-stairs walking over to the man and Blaire. He spoke to the man in Spanish and he nodded going upstairs while the man who’d came down took out a knife.” Ah senorita, so you are whom Juan requested to see alright then can you show me the product.” “Well I can but this is for personal use, I’m here for something else.” Before the man could react he was miniaturized and stepped on as Blaire made her way upstairs slowly putting the vial in her pocket. [i]I’ll be keeping this for later. [/i] She saw a creaked door, and was exposed to the smell of burning marijuana. “Hmmm now this should be fun.” She walked slowly over to the door before pushing it open seeing a group of Hispanics sitting at the table passing a blunt. Before they could react she miniaturized the entire table and walked forward stepping on it. “Another couple bite the dust now that was easy now for Santa’s sack.” She smiled as she left the smokey room and made her way back downstairs. [i] Hmm where did Ryan say it was.[/i] She made her way over to a room next to the kitchen and opened it up causing her eyes to gleam as she found out what she was looking for. Pounds of Marijuana, and a big quantity of some other drugs as well as tons of bands of money tied up in rubber bands. “Fucking bet. “She took out two orange prescription bottles from her pocket beginning to shrink both the drugs and money putting them in two separate pill bottles. After gathering both In the pill bottle she was about to face time Ryan as she was making her way into the living room where she saw the news on reporting about protests in LA.” What the fuck are these people bitching about.” She walked over to the TV before seeing the headline and stumbling back a bit. Violence breaks out in the protests in LA after Claire Bennet shot on live TV. “Claire was shot!!” Blaire paused and was completely engaged in the news on TV before changing to a news channel that was talking specifically about Claire’s death and even showed a replay of her being shot in the midst of her speech. “What the fuck! She wasn’t fucking doing nothing but talking, these powerless fucks going after us when we’re down and there’s some of us dumb enough to submit to these fucking tests knowing we have powers.” She shook her head at the logic of evolved humans who knew what they were but took went to the testing facility on their own free will. She’d planned to avoid them and if that eventually meant the Government came to detain her she was ready to fight. However what happened to Claire had just pissed her off. “This shit has to stop, they have to know that even if they can shoot us, they can’t compare to the fucking shit we can do!”