Keelie was truly happy with her business adversary. The fact that he surprised her just now made her respect him all the more. While she did expect him to take her offer, she didn't expect his counter offer. Most Ebonfortions would be fearful of being caught, would want the knight killed or kept, but this man, this gargoyle used them as pawns in his trade. He probably was going to keep the knight in his pocket, so to speak. Whitetail certainly was no mummer, not like the rest of the cattle in Ebonfort. Quite unexpected, and delightful, and it showed in her beaming smile. He was thinking about his future, and thus, their future as business partners. Yes, he was definitely a good choice. Satisfied with the terms, she pulled out yet another knife, and lightly sliced it down her left forearm, before handing offering the blade to Whitetail, hilt out. She then touched two fingers from her right hand to the bleeding wound, brought them to her lips, then skyward, then finally extended a hand for a shake, looking expectantly at the gargoyle. The moment the deal was concluded though, her smile slipped into a deep scowl. Looking at her new partner, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Take the female Knight back with you. We're about to have a lot of company, and you need to look like you escaped, while rescuing her. Don't worry about this one here. He'll be left alive, and will likely make his own way once he wakes up."[/b][/i][/color] She looked at the rest of the goyles, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Fly low, southbound, only Whitetail needs to be seen leaving."[/b][/i][/color] She didn't bother to take the knife back. The other gargoyles took their command and walked out the back of the copse, and flew off. The remainder of the Screamers, however, went northside, and took up defensive positions. Keelie flashed a grin at Whitetail, standing up now, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"You might want to watch, you might learn a thing or two."[/b][/i][/color] It was now obvious that the red vine tattoo over her body was moving across her skin in the most unnatural of ways. She moved through the trees and waited. Coming full speed from the direction of Scream Watch was an entire Squadron of Knights, all atop various steeds, mostly horses. They were being led by two large lizard creatures, the mounts of the Treggers. Keelie held a hand out in front of her, and the tattoo began ripping itself from her body, becoming three dimensional. It took several long moments, but the tattoo formed into a large bundle of blood red vines, half the size of the copse. The Squadron slowed at this sudden display, assuming it is magic. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Kill them my love."[/b][/i][/color] Wiggling in glee, vines then lashed out wrapping around steed and rider whole, and yanking them from the earth. Some were crushed, some were thrown, and some were dragged to the center, and disappeared, as if eaten. It was a massacre. Keelie walked amongst the carnage and battle, the vines weaving their destruction around her, blood splattering over her body. She approached a man, a young man, blonde, barely more than a boy, on the far edge of the gory scene, stuck beneath his dying horse, his leg pinned. Keelie bent down, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Don't worry soldier, I'm going to let you live. I want you to tell your soldier friends what you see here. Let them know that Warlord Keelie and the Blood Vines are to be feared above all others."[/b][/i][/color] She then bent down and pressed her blood stained lips to his own, before turning back to watch the destruction, casting a single, coy glance toward Whitetail's position.