[center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0b8c08d4721a7300becabe4b7f268d77/http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn196/Gohon7/Furry%20pics/473f321c.jpg[/img] Karou Wren 19 Male Feline(i think? o.o) Gay Single, has only had one boyfriend before and his heart was broken in the process Entertainer/Waiter Karou is a very quiet boy who really just sits on the sidelines and doesn't interact with people. Karou hardly ever speaks and if he does it's in a very quiet voice. He is very kind and gentle and likes helping people. He gets upset very easily and tends to cry. He can be startled or scared quiet easily and he tends to blush and get flustered a lot. Karou can be oblivious about a lot of things, especially others feelings towards him and while he is hesitant to let people near him at first, once he opens up and gets to know a person he is very trusting and will never doubt that person. He doesn't give his heart away very easily but once he does he is devoted to that person, loving them with his whole being. He is blind in his right eye.[/center] I made another character, I hope you don't mind ^^