From up in the branches, a snoring woman sprawled out on her stomach slept. As soon as the sun hit her eyes they shot open and her hands clung to the branch she had so precariously balanced on as she slept. It was an advantage to easily sleep on higher ground than her group. It's what kept her alive before afterall. Rena slowly stood up on her thick branch, stretching out and scratching her back where a spider had chosen to nibble during the night. Ah... now.. where was everyone? She looked around, vaguely recalling they had decided not to sleep in a clump. With a shrug and another stretch, She took her pack from the branch hanging beside her, pulled her jacket around her waist, and ran along the branch. She leaped from the one she was on to grab the branch of the next tree over, her taut and thick muscles moving visibly beneath her flesh as she hoisted her legs up to grab the branch she held with her arms and pull herself up. She continued this process till she was up to the top of the tree. Panting, but feeling warmed up, she scanned the horizon. Ah. Yes, the town was just southeast. Perfect. She skipped down the branches, at one point allowing herself to free fall before grabbing the branch nearest the ground and letting herself down much gentler than what her higher fall would have provided before jogging to meet up with everyone gathering. A big grin was spread on her face. "Yo!" Let the games begin.