Lyle led the way toward a cabin at the very edge of the village, positioned in such a way that it was easily unnoticed unless looking for it. It was small, quaint, a single room. He didn't enter it, rather walking around to a small wooden tower over a smoking heap of green sticks. He opened it up, reached in and grasped a long cut of meat, now smoked. He then closed it, and moved over to a nearby stump, and sat down, beckoning toward the girl and her pup. [color=f7941d][i][b]"This will be the one and only time we feed this pup cooked food, understand? After this, I will teach you both to hunt. You're its mother now, so this is a requirement, until it can hunt for itself."[/b][/i][/color] He then offered the meat to Alya. He then got up, entered his cabin, and came back out with a small pouch. He set about building a fire in the center of the stump seats. He then put a pot of water on, [color=f7941d][i][b]"You're going to have to pay attention often. You're a hunter now, paying attention is what will keep you, and everyone you meet, alive. It will be trying, you'll get frustrated, angry, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you learn."[/b][/i][/color] Once the water was boiling, he added some honey and lavender blossoms, [color=f7941d][i][b]"Helps the wounds to not fester."[/b][/i][/color] Once it was thoroughly mixed, he dipped a rag into the mix, soaking it, then used it to clean and scrub out the claw wounds. He then pulled out a needle made of bone and strung it, then stitched himself up, [color=f7941d][i][b]"They call these simple interrupted stitches, closed with a doctor's knot."[/b][/i][/color] He then soaked another rag, set it against the wound, and bandaged over it. He then handed her a fresh rag, and the needle and thread, [color=f7941d][i][b]"Your turn. Don't worry if it is sloppy, you need the practice."[/b][/i][/color] Lyle would watch, comment, and assist Alya on her procedure. Once she was down, he'd hand her the bandages. [color=f7941d][i][b]"Have you come up with a name for him yet? And have you been staying in the tavern? Because if so, you're going to learn to build a proper shelter. Can't have you relying on others like some sort of sissy."[/b][/i][/color] He'd spend the rest of the day belittling things, teaching her basics of wolf care, commenting on things to come. When night fell, [color=f7941d][i][b]"You can crash on the bed inside, the night will be warm, I'll be out here, Wolf Mother."[/b][/i][/color]