Admittedly as a GM I am very constructive on my settings with defined lore and guidelines within a timeline. But do know that any timeline I setup is not entirely [i]concrete[/i] in Maximum Comics but rather a sort of "alpha build" that's waiting for a suggestion from another player. I am cooperative even if I am very pro-structure. I think I can try to work with everyone to making sure there is a balance between creative freedom and structured lore though I might need some suggestions and input down the line regarding that. I think a lot of Maximum's problem was it was a [i]decade[/i] into the "return" of Superheroes in the public eye which is why in the reboot I will be setting it three to four years after the resurgence. This leaves a lot of superfluous lore yet to be made and leaves a lot more creativity for players to utilize whilst still having a good background skeleton to launch from. [quote=@Ruby] Me, personally, it comes down to three factors: 1) I hate sample posts. (HaveIevermentionedthisbefore?) 2) Are the great characters taken, especially women? (There's just not a lot of great female characters in comics--subjective, I know.) 3) Can I jump into a scene with a friend from the get-go? It can be insanely difficult for me to keep focus and post a number of times before I can start collaborating; the very reason I do Group RPs to begin with. During the heat of the semester, like now, I can sometimes only average one good post a week. So if that's not an issue for anyone, I could join a new comic game. [/quote] 1) I've been considering replacing a sample post with a link to a reference post instead. Showing what level you write at rather than the old system I've had. 2) Make them better! or perhaps redesign a character that isn't great into being [i]excellent.[/i] 3) That's up to you and that friend, of course. People don't have to focus all the time on solo arcs, if there's a group story you want to work with then that is probably ideal and fine.