Alya quietly and obediently followed, by the time they had reached the cabin on the edge of the village, she had already let the pup down from her arms, as they were getting tired from carrying it. The pup followed close behind Alya's footsteps, sometimes weaving between her legs, which didn't seem to bother her too much, she found it to be rather endearing. She looked at the cabin and wondered why they weren't going into it, but she figured it out when Lyle brought out a long cut of smoked meat. She followed him over to the stump. Hunting? She wasn't sure if she was physically capable of even throwing a rock, let alone shooting a bow. Her clumsiness and absent-minded nature would just mess everything up. [color=00aeef][i]No, I must do this.[/i][/color] She thought with a flame a determination flickering within herself. She signed the contract and took on a wolf pup, and she dragged Lyle into it... Or rather he dragged himself into it... In any case, she needed to pull her weight. She nodded in understanding as she took the meat. She sat down on the stump as Lyle went into his cabin, feeding the pup the smoked meat, which it ate happily. As Lyle spoke, as he made the mixture, she began to take mental notes of what was needed. She watched him stitch himself up, applying the rags to his wounds after doing so. When he handed her the rags and the needle and thread, she attempted to copy what Lyle had done. Cleaning her wounds caused her to flinch slightly, as the mixture cause a sharp pain, followed by a slight burning sensation, but she continued with her task. Her needle skills had always been quite sub-par, but this was even more difficult, because she had to... 'stab' herself with a needle. Fortunately, she was a quick learner, figuring out how to knot the thread at the end after a few painful attempts. She applied the bandages to her stitched wounds, it was messy, but it worked. His questions made her think of things that she hadn't thought of yet. The name of the pup? She couldn't think of one right now. Building a shelter? That sounded 'fun'. She didn't know how to answer his questions since she didn't have any way of telling him, but she'll get around to it at some point. As she spent the rest of the day learning a multitude of things from Lyle, she had become very exhausted. Mentally and physically. She gave Lyle a very tired looking bow, a deep bow of gratitude. As she slowly walked toward the cabin, the wolf pup followed close behind. [color=00aeef][i]Wolf Mother?[/i][/color] It was an amusing nickname, but appropriate now. She smiled at the thought as she tucked herself into the bed, the pup curling up at her side.