These are not the answers you're looking for. --- [B]Foreign Affairs[/B] [B]Is China an economic or military threat to the US?[/B] [INDENT]Ummm... I believe that China is growing into a well-rounded nation, but the structural system established there is no comparison to the diversity and freedom that America already has.[/INDENT] [B]Should there be an independent Palestinian state?[/B] [INDENT]Independence may be what this country was built upon, but no what holds it together. It is only reasonable that independence be exchanged for the embrace of unity.[/INDENT] [B]What is your stance on the War on Terror? Are you in favor of endorsing the Bush Doctrine (pursuing nations that harbor or sponsor terrorism) or are you in favor of a more pragmatic approach to terrorist organizations and the countries in which they operate?[/B] [INDENT]I believe that people have the right to their own culture. They have the right to have their own beliefs. And they have the right to security. But we have the right to safety, and that means we have to be willing to put forth the effort to coax the world into a better time when terrorism isn't an issue.[/INDENT] [B]Are covert drone strikes on terrorist and suspected terrorist locations a policy you would endorse?[/B] [INDENT]Would you endorse listening to your daughter's phone calls. If you found that some boy wanted to remove her flower, wouldn't you try to stop him, even if it meant you had to keep it secret from your daughter. I'm saying that the truth is that America needs to put out the flames people don't realize exist. Would you rather be burned by a fire you didn't see, or saved by a man who's waiting to put it out?[/INDENT] [B]Is the authorized arresting and indefinite detaining of suspected terrorists, including US citizens, without charge good for America?[/B] [INDENT]I'll go back to the fire analogy and let you figure it out. Let's say there are three fires around the city and nine firemen. I'd say the safest solution is to have the firemen waiting when the flames are kindling instead of blazing.[/INDENT] [B]Domestic Affairs[/B] [B]Should nonviolent drug users be jailed?[/B] [INDENT]If we let people get away with breaking one law at a time, what sense does that make? Of course we should protect the laws that keep America in it's right mind.[/INDENT] [B]Should the federal government increase direct financial aid (loans/grants/debt relief) for college students?[/B] [INDENT]America should be supportive of its citizens, but I call this tough love. By limiting the funds that the students take, we can actually teach them responsible money management that betters the future generations of America.[/INDENT] [B]Are more federal regulations on guns and ammunition needed?[/B] [INDENT]What is our national bird? It's an eagle, not a chicken. To raise citizens who can brave the cruelties of life, we can't allow them to solve their problems from afar. The brave citizen uses his fists.[/INDENT] [B]Should gay marriage be legal?[/B] [INDENT]America is a country where we believe men and women were created equal. If one gender starts mating with itself, the equality goes out the window because of a lack of couples that can reproduce.[/INDENT] [B]Should the US Constitution and Bill of Rights be amended or updated in any way?[/B] [INDENT]As much respect as I have for the history of this fine nation, it has to evolve to survive. That means even it's foundation needs to stay current.[/INDENT] [B]Should drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) be allowed?[/B] [INDENT]That is a question for the ANWR.[/INDENT] [B]Are federal health care reform laws good for America?[/B] [INDENT]If it can survive the hell that is legislation, it must be an idea good in all respects.[/INDENT] [B]Economy/Taxes/Entitlement[/B] [B]Is outsourcing jobs to other countries good for America?[/B] [INDENT]It allows for a diversity that enriches the culture of our country as well as supports our allies, humanity.[/INDENT] [B]Should the federal deficit be reduced without raising any taxes?[/B] [INDENT]Helping your government get through hard times isn't a bad thing. If we have to petition for the support of citizens inclined to offer us assistance, we won't deny them their ability to contribute.[/INDENT] [B]Does the US need welfare and food stamp reform or abolishment?[/B] [INDENT]The government exists to maintain a social order. That unfortunately means that not everyone can be rich. But we require that everyone can make it to the next day. Poverty is a force we'll fight as long as we can, but we can't fight a war for everyone.[/INDENT] [B]Are illegal immigrants a net gain to the US economy?[/B] [INDENT]They eat at restaurants and shop at stores that pay tax dollars, so they do support the system that their presence is defying.[/INDENT] [B]Do lower taxes provide incentive for employers to hire more workers?[/B] [INDENT]That wouldn't create more jobs. That only makes the employers wealthier, but rarely to the point that they can support a whole other person.[/INDENT] [B]Should Social Security be privatized?[/B] [INDENT]I like privacy. Maybe Social Security doesn't need the US to survive, but it can help the nation from its own place.[/INDENT]