[color=f7976a]Name[/color]: Kit Black [color=f7976a]Age[/color]: 21 [color=f7976a]Home world[/color]: Earth [color=f7976a]Gender[/color]: Male [color=f7976a]Appearance[/color]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/V1ZGQsR.png[/img] A tall thin young man, Kit has blue eyes, red hair (originally blond) and pale skin. He usually stands slouched over, with a weak smile slapped awkwardly on his face. He has the classic 'Internet introvert' look to him. In that he may have been outside once this past 30 days. [color=f7976a]Personality[/color]: Most people would describe him as shy. Though those who know him well know that rather than shy, he just doesn't desire to interact with most people. He will tend to stand around with his headphones on, looking at his phone or reading, trying to ignore the people around him. When he does want to talk he can do, clearly and confidently in fact. He is never up for trying new things and prefers to stick to what he knows best, though sometimes will desire to act on impulse in a fit of boredom. He excuses his unsocial behavior with his too well used catchphrase. 'I usually start the day with a limited amount of shits to give… I'm all out… ' [color=f7976a]History[/color]: Born to a middle class family in south London, england. Kit grew up with a comfortable life. He was born very gifted in mathematics and lateral thinking and had a desire to strengthen these skills from a young age, he would read a lot into the sciences and technology, but always make time for leisure. He would not leave his house very often and instead talk to his friends over the Internet. He spend his younger years mainly playing computer games and reading comics… He spends most of his time now playing computer games and reading comics. As he passed 6 A levels at the age of 14. By the age of 16 he was accepted into the imperial school of mathematics, he studied engineering and robotics. At 19 he got a doctorate in mechanics, though he despisees the title of doctor. Bored with life, he moved to America not far after his 20th birthday. He desired to meet new people there and to start to socialize more. He got a job working for 'Recon robotics' on the Canadian border. where he manufactured remote control fire planes for tackling forest fires. He began to take up new hobbies like hiking and music production and began to make a few friends. He had one particular hike route which he liked best of all.. He wasn't sure why.. [color=f7976a]Combat[/color]: Kit has lived a sheltered life so has no experience with physical confrontation, he desires peace for himself and would be the first to flee in a fight. [color=f7976a]Comical Quirks[/color]: Very awkward around females. [color=f7976a]Theme song[/color]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFfGNGo_ze8