[b]January 2, 1950 1226 Warszawa Time Presidential Palace, Warszawa, Poland[/b] President Berling looked down at the paper, it was his worst fear come true. He knew Stalin could be irrational but this was beyond that. He had offered to stay within their sphere and fight against the west but instead Stalin denounced him completely. The order had already been given to halt the removal of Soviet troops from the country, instead they were now being brought into POW camps and being processed. Berling felt Stalin had doomed Communism now, 5% of the entire Red Army was removed from combat and now they would fight amongst themselves the Soviet's outnumbered them but Berling did not fear that for now. With a sigh he gave his signature on a document that would be sent out. It was not written by him, he would not the west that much satisfaction. It was a request for aid though, a request that the US and UK send whatever they could to help him and his countrymen against the looming Soviet invasion. The thing that he feared was coming to pass, he was fortunate he had prepared for it but only wished it had gone another way. [b]January 2, 1950 1700 Warszawa Time Southeast of Bialystok[/b] Polkovnik watched over the 4th Anti-tank Artillery Brigade continued to dig in overlooking the nearby road. Camo nets had already been pulled over most of their anti-tank guns. The 100 and 122 mm guns were well placed with a dominating field of fire and mobile SU-100s and SU-85s placed in their platoons and ready to move forward or towards the flanks to meet threats at this hard point. Even as the weapon emplacements were made preparations were also being made to destroy them. The goal was simple, if the Soviets attacked they would inflict losses and proceed to fall back in good order. To their north the 4th Heavy Tank Regiment was digging in as well readying for the attack while the 6th Infantry Division was to their south defending a hardpoint munitions cache which would allow them to maintain combat effectiveness when encircled. Nobody knew if or when the Soviets would attack but they were doing everything to be ready before it happened.