[color=1b1464][b]Adam Mariano [/b][/color] 13th Ward. Adam the lonely accountant working at Fijian Bank was heading home form work carrying a bag full of coffee.The coffee was form Italy and was home made in Mollusco a small town near Rome,Unlike his ghoul comrades he had taste including with coffee and his victims whom for the most part are more appealing then most. He was walking down the lonely road of the city seeing a bunch of scary looking men that he owns money too,Adam tried to hide form them by heading into the alleyway in hopes to hide but was spotted by one of them."Eh pencil dick where the $2000 ya owe us pencil dick?" The leader said walking closer towards him leaving Adam almost paralyses in his wake."I..i..i don't have it but...give me a week..i promise to get you the money soon" Adam said now being pushed onto the ground one of the gangsters. "That shit isn't gonna fly any more pencil dick you said to give you another week a few times and it has been seven weeks since ya said that so i want my money now" The leader said now one of the goons grabbing him by the shoulder and throwing him into the alleyway beside them."I..told you i would have my money...but i am having a problem with money" Adam spat out being told that he is bullshitting them by buying coffee for himself."Boys teach em a listen to pay on time" The leader said with a smile as the other goons grabbed Adam throwing him against the wall pinning him to the wall. "Don't stop i will pay you just give me some TIME" Adam voice cracked a little his eyes filled with fear with a goon pulling a knife near his eye making a small cut on his cheek as a appetizer to the pain that he will feel.Adam was feeling a headache coming on and him mumbling the prime numbers."Stop it im in pain stop hitting me" Adam started to cry tears running down his face while the goons cut a bit of his neck and his arm."Shut up and take your medicine little bitch.." The leader of the punching him in the stomach Adam's head leaning down looking at the ground. "Hehehehe please sir can i have some more?" Adam suddenly started laughing looking up at the leader his eyes pitch black with the pupils bright red."PLEASE SIR CAN I HAVE SOME MORE?" He practically yelled his hand turning into a blade stabbing one of the goons in the stomach."What the fuck?" One of them screamed out but was silenced by one of Adam's pincers going into his mouth while the others coming out of his back chopping off the heads of the other goons. "Mhm how messy do you see what happens when you bully a poor little accountant..." Adam smiled towards the leader of the goons rushing at him pinning him to the wall."Now i think you owe me something...not money but your hands and your live would be a extra bonus" Adam smile became wider on his face using his hand blade to stab into the man's stomach before cutting off the man's hands and using his pincers tore in half. "Mhm yummy but these hands are nothing to call home about..but i will take one oh wow 10,000 dollars what a lucky day i have" Adam put the hand away into his jacket pocket pulling the leader's bloody wallet into his pocket trying to wipe the blood on his face.He made his way out picking up his groceries walking towards his house having a good day so far.