Eriset shifted against her seat, attempting to get in a position where the low back wasn’t going to poke into the tender muscle under her left shoulder. It had been a pipe. Or a pole. Maybe some railing. It didn’t matter what it was, but it did remind her that she really needed a new pair of gloves, since hers slipped so much… Realising, after more struggling that her effort what in vain, she finally just slumped over her own arms on her desk. ‘[i][color=orchid]This lecture hall is ridiculous. Of course the humanities gets left with the worst one after the sciences…[/color][/i]’ She griped, pushing her glasses up and looking out at the rest of the hall through her hair. She’d made the mistake of getting there a bit too early. While she might have been lazy enough to show up wearing what was clearly pajama pants and flip flops, she did not want to be walking into a lecture [i]late[/i] wearing such things. However, it had been to her surprise to find that she wasn’t the only one here. Even though the lecture still had another 15 minutes to go before it started, the room was slowly starting to fill up in the manner it normally would if it were 10 minutes later. “I heard Ms. Browne was teaching this class...” Eriset snorted quietly. Of course - the brunette hadn’t even given a thought to that when she’d been studying her new timetable the day before. Ms. Browne was a heroine and legend to the students – her classes were always notoriously easy, and she herself was really something to look at. Rumor around campus was that she’d gotten divorced recently, and was looking for a young, hot boy to teach her how to be loved again. The last part was more than likely just a hopeful fallacy from the likes of the boys now sitting in front of her. Sure, she may be divorced, but there’s no guarantee that she’s asking for anything. But Eriset supposed that it wasn’t such a sin to hope – she’d probably have trouble saying no too, if it were her that was being propositioned by the leggy redhead. Besides – if most of the students were like the two boys eagerly talking away, then it was only going to help her avoid standing out. ‘[i][color=orchid]But then… maybe it could be a problem.[/color][/i]’ Eriset thought sourly. It was hard trying to book a meeting with Ms. Browne – seeing as she was so popular and sought after in terms of one-on-one feedback. How the hell was she going to get the chance to use her power on the woman? She could just do the work herself, she supposed. Although she wouldn’t be able to guarantee herself a high mark as usually, maybe she’d be able to pull through with something… Usually, when the tutors and lecturers were grey-haired and far less desirable, it was very easy to get enough alone time with them. She could just walk in a week before the assignment is due, get them to basically hand the essay to her, then leave and make it like she’d never been there. Simple, effective, and it would mean that Eriset would only have to spend two hours rewriting instead of 12 trying to get through it on her own. Now that it was only minutes away until the start of class, Eriset felt her hopes being dashed further – almost the entire lecture hall had been filled up. Only a few seats were available, with all but 20 of the 150 students being male. Eriset could see that some had dressed for the occasion. A few boys had donned their smart-casual suits, and others in their tightest fitting shirts. Some had even decided to forgot sleeves all together, hoping that the loose muscles singlets would show off their mediocre attempts to build muscles. It was ridiculous – she felt ashamed of them, and she was in her goddamn pajamas for fucks sake. She didn’t have to be here – she could find notes later or watch a recording. It was so, so loud – she could be sleeping of the aches and pains right now, instead of sitting here watching 130 boys staring at some poor woman’s jugs for an hour and a half. Sitting up, Eriset began to gather her books, shoving them into her backpack before standing up. She had only just been slinging it over her shoulder when the door at the side of the stage began to slowly open.