[@Archangel89]Okay first thing right off the bat. Superior will in a PC is an absolute no. The difference between superior and greater will is like the difference between a rocket launcher and a piece of field artillery. There is a HUGE leap in power between the two levels of will. So no. Sorry if I didn't make that clear on the character sheet. Okay so you probably mean Devil. Now I know this is going to sound WEIRD but. The average Demon isn't usually evil and the don't have innately evil powers. They are agents of Chaos for the most part. While Angels are agents of order for the most part. So if you want something that tends to be in more of the Evil sort of category Devils tend to be more up that alley. You can for sure use the Demon if you want but im just giving you a quick fyi, It could certainly be an evil Demon. (oh and even further aside The character technically a Chambrion. Anything that is half demon is technically a Chambrion the same way anything half Devil is a Hellspawned you just include the second race in parentheses). So he might be a stupid powerful Fire elementalist but keep in mind he is not an Avatar so there are going to be beings that are equal to or more powerful than him in the fire magic department. As far as the Great Lord of Fire goes its fine if he's a cleric (elementalist) but he is not The Elemental lord of Fires Avatar. Additionally Elves are typically wyrdshapers so they rarely dabble in force magic. Ogres might be a more appropriate choice in this case. Other than that I like the character. It is a new take on a member of the tower of stars by proxy. Which i like. It could be interesting to see a sort of freedom plot go along with this character. Any questions or things that you think i was off base with let me know [color=red]Edit: Alright that is it for me tonight I think I accomplished all of my goals. We're shooting to start this weekend. Anyone who is worried about having a character ready by then. Don't. There is plenty of time[/color]