I lied. On Source material. I think there's been more worrying about what could happen than what does happen. If an app doesn't fit in, reject it and spray it with Raid/Thrawn (for those of you who remember him). Otherwise, why not? I mean, plenty of outside concepts are inspired by comics. Think video games, movies, novels, etc. Those that are popular tend to bring something to the table that existing franchises don't. So much, probably ninety-nine percent of what we get IC is dependant on the applicant's vision. It's up to the player to make it work. If it doesn't, we'll just bug Ruby 'til she deletes it all. EDIT: I really do have some good DD arcs up my sleeve though, not a rehash of something you've read before. Because, at the end of the day, Matt Murdock is an attorney responsible for dealing with his own costumed friends and enemies. E2: Manga basically is comics with different cultural influenxes anyway. Even if they were mostly designated to be bound to Asia, they'd still be bringing something new to the games as long as they fit in with real physics and hairstyles.