[h3][b][color=92278f]General[/color][/b][/h3] [indent][b][color=92278f]Nation name:[/color][/b] Galactic Empire (Imperial Centre or Core Remnant) [b][color=92278f]Government type:[/color][/b]Military dictatorship [b][color=92278f]Flag/emblem:[/color][/b] [Center][img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20120314/star%20wars%20logos%20galactic%20empire%201680x1050%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_29.jpg[/img][/Center] [b][color=92278f]Description:[/color][/b] Based on the power of the Core Worlds, the Imperial Core or Centre sees itself as the ‘true’ Empire. Palpatine’s and Vader’s demise have brought an end to their evil reign, but not the Galactic Empire as a whole, which is still very much alive in the hearts and minds of most of the Core Worlds. Chief argument to justify their claim to be the true Imperial continuation is the possession of the city-planet of Coruscant, the galactic capital. As long as Coruscant can be held, the Empire will endure. It was ‘an Empire’ quickly formed from the unified holdings of various Imperial governors, military commanders and loyal governments who were still in control of their local holdings. As the galaxy's central Imperial power, the Imperial Core adhered to the tenets of the former Galactic Emperor Palpatine's New Order; although slavery and anti-alien sentiment have recently been abolished, the Core maintains a strong military and limits public expression. Martial law is in effect, and has been since the news of Endor. Initially, high government officials held sway over the Core alignment, but were swiftly swept away by ambitious intelligence bureaus, ruthless pretenders and upstart generalissimos. With every new interim ruler, purges among the military spelled doom for established commanders. Grand Moff Dashara Vel managed to exert sufficient power and control to bring the systems back into line, and re-establish order within the buckling Empire. The bickering Ruling Council was abolished, and the vestige of the Imperial Intelligence services leashed once more, bringing an end to the wanton assassinations and blackmail. By promising the protection and support of the wealthy Core Worlds, many systems of the Colonies declared their allegiance. However, by the time of her murder, the actual territory under her control was limited to worlds within the Colonies and Inner Rim. Corellia’s defection effectively cut the Core Worlds off, leaving the southernmost frontier at Rendili. To the Galactic north, the Core Remnant extends into the thin sliver of the expansion region until Bilbringi. [b][color=92278f]Economy:[/color][/b] The Colonies have since long celebrated themselves the economic engine of the Galaxy, being the place where Core wealth meets Rim raw materials. In the past, political or economic complaints from a Colony world saw rise to separatist sentiment, and a lot of problems (piracy, despoiling of systems, and plagues of slavery) that harried the Core first reared their heads in the Colonies. In addition, any military action intended to reach the Core must go through the region. Mindful of this history, the Empire has poured credits into Core industries and maintained a tight grip on the Colonies. The Core is a rich prize to be sure, and worth much more than its mere symbolism. Possession of the region guarantees a chokehold on the five most trafficked hyperlanes in the galaxy, as well as domination over millions of lesser routes and rights to impossibly advanced technological infrastructure, not to mention the majority of the Galaxy’s population (though that is equally a bane as it is a boon). While largely self-sufficient concerning food and power, the Core Remnant has a great demand for Outer Rim raw materials. Largely deprived of vast sources or raw materials, the Core Remnant has to rely on goods brought in from the Mid and Outer Rim to keep its industry going. While it certainly produces sufficient food from its agri-worlds spread throughout the Colonies, an entire deprivation of connection with outlying regions would spell an industrial crisis. Financially, however, the Core worlds are the best off of the entire Galaxy. The Colonies are the real productive heart of the Empire, whereas the Core has been concerned with the development of culture, architecture, art and has only recently re-discovered manufacturing. Only when compared to the Core Worlds do the Colonies seem anything less than the pinnacle of galactic civilisation; the region contains many of the galaxy’s wealthiest planets, from sprawling urban worlds dedicated to industry and trade to garden and agricultural planets whose very square meter is carefully cultivated. The industries and shipyards of the Core and Colonies hum with wartime orders. [b][color=92278f]Demographics:[/color][/b] The largely human populated Core Worlds (also known as the Galactic Core and, during the Imperial Period, the Imperial Core) were some of the most prestigious, well-developed, well-known, least politically restrictive and heavily populated planets in the galaxy. The Core was the hub of galactic culture, finance, technology, education, and fine arts. Noble houses held a great deal of influence in this region and almost every interstellar company had offices or were headquartered in the Core Worlds. In astrophysical terms, the Core denoted the central area of the galaxy, and in broad terms this was true enough, but the precise usage of the term was sometimes more complex. The farther one travels from the Core, the more non-human species one encounters. Due to the harsh treatment at the hands of Palpatine’s Empire, many of these alien worlds harbour rebel sentiments. During the Clone Wars, Neimoidia and the "purse worlds" were battlegrounds between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems towards the end of the war in 19 BBY. Under Emperor Palpatine's reign, the Galactic Empire was very forceful in controlling the Colonies, particularly developing a hardline policy towards species and worlds that had supported the Confederacy. The Gossam species of Castell, for instance, were a primary target for the Empire's humanocentric policies. Consequently, the Alliance to Restore the Republic gained support in the region. [b][color=92278f]Institutions:[/color][/b] (Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporate organisations/guilds, families, most importantly, the military.) TBA [b][color=92278f]Astrography:[/color][/b] (see below also) The Empire of the Core occupies some territory in the Negs, half of the Northern Dependencies (as far as Bilbringi), the majority of space known as the Arrowhead (with the exception of those planets under Corellian control) and the Colony worlds within the Slice. [List] [*][url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d8/TheDeepCore-TEA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090904101129]Deep Core:[/url] minor enclaves, strongholds established and held to combat the Deep Core Warlords [*][url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/09/TheCore.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090904101925]Core Worlds:[/url] human dominated and strongpoint, Core Remnant occupies the upper half of its C-shape (along the Ebaq – Columus – Rendili line) [*][url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/73/TheColonies.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090904103024]Colonies:[/url] more ethnically diverse, occupies the upper half of its C-shape (roughly along the Rendili – Commenor line) [*][url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/07/TheInnerRim.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090904110313] Inner Rim:[/url] extension along the Namadii Corridor up to Bilbringi and Rondai. [/List] [b][color=92278f]Notable Locations:[/color][/b] [hider=Planet List][List] [*]Aargau – A financial centre, home to a subsidiary of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Bank of Aargua owns a large branch in the financial district of Coruscant [*]Anaxes – A fortress world dubbed the ‘Defender of the Core’, located on the Perlemian Trade Route, and home to the Imperial War College and impressive Anaxes Citadel. Command Centre for Sector 1 (or Coruscant Oversector), also known as Azure Hammer Command. [*]Axum – An industrialised world close to Anaxes [*]Balmorra – A factory and fortress world which produces general armament as well as parts and components for use at the nearby Kuat Drive Yards. It is the primary builder of AT-ST walkers. [*]Bilbringi – The Bilbringi system is a star system in the Inner Rim region of the galaxy, on the Namadii Corridor. The system is the site of the important Bilbringi Shipyards. It is choked with asteroids and other debris; it lays close to several military shipment lanes. The asteroids of the star system are rich in metals and other natural resources utilized in starship construction, making it a perfect location to place the shipyards. [*]Borleias – A jungle world poor in natural resources, it hosts several Imperial research facilities. [*]Brentaal IV – also known as simply Brentaal, it occupies what is arguably the most valuable location in the entire galaxy: the intersection of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route, two of the galaxy's major hyperlanes. Additionally, the Commenor Run also terminates here. It is therefore a commercial kingpin, being a fulcrum of trade, and major military target for those looking to push into or out of the Core. [*]Carida – A notable exporter or food in the Colonies, Carida is also used and a training world for Imperial Stormtroopers. Also a fortress world, it produces the Mountain Terrain Armored Transport (MT-AT), an arachnid-like eight-legged walker. The Academy of Carida is a formerly private, and now state-supported, comprehensive military institution. It forms a triumvirate of elite military institutions along with the academies of Anaxes and Corulag. [*]Chandrila – A large and notable agri-world, breadbasket of Coruscant [*]Commenor – A major league trading planet thanks to its excellent location, making it a hub of the Trellen Trade Route, the Commenor Run and local routes. [*]Corulag – The endpoint of the Corulag-Jatir Hyperroute. The planet boasted urban sprawls with the underdeveloped areas filled with bamboo forests. Its population was extremely loyal to Palpatine, and its behavior was pointed out as model Imperial behaviour. The capital city of Curamelle is also home to the Corulag Academy, an Imperial military academy. It is also during this time that Corulag is home to numerous prisons which holds enemies of the Galactic Empire. Orbital research stations hover over the planet. [*]Coruscant – Industrialised and urbanised for millennia, this world is the centre of the universe (literally too). It has since long been an ecumenopolis and capital of the Galaxy. The Imperial Palace, Jedi Temple and Senate are here, though the latter two have not been in use for years. Even after riots and the erosion of Imperial rule throughout the galaxy, Imperial Centre remains the heart of the Empire. [*]Delle – A system known for its large agri-worlds, one of the breadbaskets of the Empire. [*]Fresia – A planet home to the Incom Corporation renowned for designing the X-wing Starfighter models, now a nationalised manufacturer. [*]Foerost – Orbited by the Foerost Shipyards, which is one of the largest and oldest shipyards (existing since the Old Republic). The shipyards' engineers remove raw materials from the planet and transported them to the shipyards in high orbit. [*]Grizmallt – A Core world and ecumenopolis, with old shipyards that rival Kuat Drive Yards and Rendili StarDrive. [*]Kuat – A true wonder, a green garden oasis girded by artificial silver rings and ancient producer of starships large and small since the dawn of the Republic. Acclamator-class assault ships and vessels from the Imperial Star Destroyer line are constructed in the orbital stardocks of KDY. These Drive Yards sustained some damage recently after Kuat of Kuat made his failed attempt at sabotage. [*]Neimoidia – One of the earliest Duros colonies, it developed its own culture and lifestyle. Eventually it too colonised new planets which came to be known as the Purse Worlds (e.g. Cato Neimoidia). It currently is best known for its grub-hatcheries and automated farms, it is a major exporter of basic foodstuffs, medicine and botanicals. [*]Rendili – Headquarters of Rendili StarDrive, founded in 20,000 BBY, it is affiliated with the starshipwrights Rendili Hyperworks and Golan Arms joint venture, which means this is an important asset to the Core Remnant. [*]Sarapin – This planet has become a prime energy provider for the Core Worlds. The Republic held large operations with the intention of harnessing the power of its many active volcanoes and lava flows. Its laser drills were an impressive sight, reaching a height of forty meters. The energy was tapped by energy collectors and moved to an Energy Collection Repository, for eventual shipment off-world. Count Dooku estimated that during the later years of the Republic, Sarapin provided 80 percent of the Core Worlds' power. It is protected by a near-impenetrable defensive grid, which was broken on only two occasions, most recently around the Battle of Yavin. [/List][/hider] [b][color=92278f]Other:[/color][/b] Special traits, remarks, boons and flaws – TBA [/indent] [h3][b][color=92278f]Military:[/color][/b][/h3] [indent][b][color=92278f]Organisation:[/color][/b] While it certainly possesses the largest remaining Imperial force, rebellious warlords in the Deep Core and western Core Worlds keep a majority of it bogged down in fratricidal warfare. The threat of rebellion and dissent looms on many worlds looking to unshackle themselves from the Galactic Empire, and so a large quantity of vessels is devoted to policing seditious systems. The actual offensive capabilities and military force available for immediate deployment is relatively small in comparison to the entire size of the army and navy. Imperial Army troopers are the standard infantry of the Imperial Army, and the most common soldiers of the Galactic Empire on most subject worlds. Following the Empire's post-Endor fragmentation, their numbers are maintained by periodic conscription from among subject populations, and mostly used to garrison worlds. Troopers fresh out of training are reasonably professional soldiers, though lacking in experience and (among those drafted against their will) have generally low morale. While capable of facing regular Rebel troopers in combat, they are easy prey for the Alliance's SpecForce. Those who manage to survive a few tours of duty, mostly career soldiers, are able to hone their skills to a greater degree and likewise possessed superior morale and confidence in their abilities. Such veteran troopers are a fairly significant threat even to SpecForce. Regular army troopers are used to secure ground already taken. They also maintain Imperial military bases or serve aboard fleet vessels as complementary marines, and garrison pacified worlds. Massive desertions and combat losses have pushed back the total of available troops, meaning there are in theory 6 Sector Armies available to the Core Remnant which it ‘inherited’ from Palpatine’s Empire. This translates into stretched defences across its Oversectors, for the total strength of these SA’s amounts to something around only 4 theoretical SAs at full strength (~6 million, of which a little over 4 million are combat worthy). These SAs are divided into 2 or 3 System Armies each, amounting to 15 SysArmies. This is more of a bookkeeping unit, though, Armies (~290,000,000 troops) operating independently. The Stormtrooper Corps is organized by a system, known as the Order of Battle, which mirrors the Imperial Army's lower-level structure. Unlike the Army, the legion is the highest level in the stormtroopers' command structure. In addition, stormtrooper units do not include support personnel. The Stormtrooper Corps are often the first to go in and face the enemy when they are at their strongest, and as such, they don't stop until achieving their objective. They also are independent of the other military branches, but are at the same time willing to complete joint operations, whether it be serving aboard their warships and executing boarding operations with the Imperial Navy or seizing starports and taking out gun emplacements with the Imperial Army, spearheading assaults. They are organised into legions—9,813 units: 4 regiments (9,812 units: 8,192 troopers and 1,620 officers) led by a High Colonel. The largest defined level of organization within the Stormtrooper Corps, it is the approximate equivalent to an Imperial Army battlegroup. The current strength of the Core’s Stormtrooper legions varies per legion from 7,500 to 9,000. Most legions have been assigned to Sector Commands or expended to reinforce decimated Sector armies, and only 120,000 remain unassigned (15 legions). [b][color=92278f]Troop Total:[/color][/b] 4.5 combat worthy personnel, of which 300,000 are readily available [b][color=92278f]Army:[/color][/b] [List] [*]1st Sector Army – Azure Hammer Command: HQ at Anaxes, deployed to the Imperial Oversector for rest and refit, after units had been pulled from it to reinforce other Sector Armies such as the 2nd, 4th and 7th. [*]2nd Sector Army – Green Mantle: HQ at Rendili, reformed from those units that stayed loyal to Coruscant and heavy reinforcements from Azure Hammer Command. It is at half-strength. [*]3rd Sector Army – Steel Blade: HQ at Carida, deployed along the eastern hyperspace lanes (Hydian Way, Daragon Trail and Parlemian Trade Route). [*]4th Sector Army – White Cuirass: HQ at Kuat, reinforced by units from Azure Hammer Command, after having been cut off from several armies deployed in the Slice. [*]6th Sector Army – Black Sword: HQ at Fresia, currently fighting in the Deep Core and the Negs (western front), stripped of some units transferred to the decimated 7th. [*]7th Sector Army – Golden Nyss: HQ at Bilbringi, deployed on the northern front facing the Namadii Corridor. Even after transfers from Azure Hammer Command and Black Sword, it is at half-strength. [/List] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/12/Imperial_navy.svg/revision/latest?cb=20080904163331[/img][/center] [b][color=92278f]Navy:[/color][/b] The Imperial Navy is one of the most formidable militaries ever assembled, consisting of millions of warships, fighters and transports, manned by trillions of fleet crew. The mainstays of its fleets - the Star Destroyer capital ships and the TIE fighter series of starfighters - have become some of the most visible symbols of Imperial rule to the galaxy's civilian populace. The role of the Imperial Navy is the absolute dominance of known space in the name of the Empire. Admiral Conan Antonio Motti identified four key functions of the Imperial Navy, including blockading spaceports to cripple a planet's ability to fight, bombarding planets to destroy enemy infrastructure, guarding shipping lanes against pirates and smugglers to safeguard commerce, and transporting and supporting other branches of the Imperial Military from space and from the air. The Imperial Navy's doctrine is heavily influenced by the experience of the Clone Wars, and emphasizes maximizing capital ship firepower rather than achieving starfighter superiority, and it subordinates its starfighters to this role. Nevertheless, the Navy available to the Core Remnant is only a fraction of the once mighty Starfleet. With most of its assets deployed to guard and patrol systems liable to defect or ignite in rebellion, its offensive capacities are limited. Stripped of large contents of its troopers to reinforce depleted Sector Armies, the fleet is in dire need of fresh manpower. Members of the Alliance Special Forces believe that the Imperial Navy troopers are a joke and that such soldiers are rarely ever expected to enter into combat engagements. While this is the opinion of SpecForce members, it is not entirely true as Navy troopers tend to be both well-equipped and adequately trained for their tasks. In addition, they do see combat but tend to lack the edge that ‘blooded troops’ get from their engagements. Vessels and installations that are located in more remote regions tend to rely more on their Navy troopers. In some cases, such as those units stationed in the Outer Rim Territories, the Navy soldiers have gained enough experience to be a credible threat to their enemies. However, in general, Imperial Navy troopers are not considered a challenge to members of the Rebel Alliance's SpecOps. The relatively pampered Imperial Navy Troopers of the Core and Colony fleets are, in the majority of cases, now seeing action for the first time. In order to counter the inexperience and lack of grit in the Navy Troopers, Stormtroopers are added to all ships to provide them with a battle-hardened core. After the initial boarding operations are conducted by Stormtroopers, Imperial Navy troopers often move in to conduct mop up actions. They also handle patrols, hangar control and monitoring. Current staffing of most ships is at 3/4th capacity. The Navy is configured in ‘lines’, consisting of 1-20 vessels commanded by a Captain of the Line. While there are 20 Imperial SDs a sector, most of these large ships-of-the-line are already deployed or unavailable due to needing repairs. The [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Modular_taskforce_cruiser]Modular Taskforce Cruiser[/url]: a support vessel class built by Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited for the Galactic Empire. These ships function as a generic framework on which Mission Function Modules (hospital, rescue, survey, inquisition, observation) could be mounted and reconfigured as necessary. Starcruisers are used for transportation and small freight, these logistics ships are complemented by [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Altor-class_replenishment_ship]Altor-class replenishment ships[/url] and a variety of haulers/transports/freighters. The TIE/ph phantom: a modified V38 assault fighter, the TIE phantom was the result of a development project led by Grand Admiral Martio Batch and was equipped with both deflector shields and a hyperdrive, along with a technology not seen for decades—a stygium cloaking device. Only two squadrons (24 units) are accessible. [Hider=Ship types used] [b]Corvettes[/b][List] [*]Raider-class corvettes (150m) [*]Vigil-class corvette (255m) – crews and passenger space around 200 each[/list] [b]Frigates[/b][List] [*]Tartan Patrol (250m) – crew of 70, space for 50 troops [*]Carrack-class (350m) – can carry 5 TIE on external racks [*]Class II frigates (400m) – complement of 24 starfighters, crew of 200[/list] [b]Cruisers[/b][List] [*]Broadside-class (500m) – missile launcher, payload 1,200 missiles [*]Gladiator-class (500m) – complement of 24 starfighters, 1,200 troops[/list] [b]Heavy Cruisers[/b][List] [*]Interdictor-class (600m) – complement of 24 starfighters and 80 troops [*]Vindicator-class (600m) – complement of 24 to 72 starfighters depending on configuration [*]Victory II-class (900m) – complement of 24 starfighters and 1,600 troops[/list] [b]Carriers[/b][List] [*]Ton-Falk-class escort carrier (500m) – complement of 72 starfighters and ~1,000 troops[/list] [b]Star Destroyers[/b][List] [*]Imperial I-class (1,600m) – complement of 72 starfighters and 1 Stormtrooper legion, 20 AT-ATs, 30 AT-STs [*]Imperial II-class (1,600m) – complement of 85 starfighters and 1 Stormtrooper legion, 20 AT-ATs, 30 AT-STs[/list] [b]Battlecruisers[/b][List] [*]Secutor-class (2,200m) – complement of 144 starfighters and 14,000 troops [*]Praetor Mark II-class (4,800m) – complement of 120 starfighters and 15-16,000 troops[/list][/hider] Those ships currently available for deployment are divided into two task forces (250 points available): [b]The Rapid Response Fleet[/b] (148pt); complement of 896-900 starfighters [List] [*]20 Corvettes (10pt) – 10 Raider-class, 10 Vigil-class [*]12 Frigates (24pt) – 6 Tartan Patrol, 4 Carrack-class, 2 Class II [*]12 Cruisers (36pt) – 10 Gladiator-class, 2 Broadside class [*]7 Heavy Cruisers (28pt) – 5 Victory I/II-class, 1 Interdictor [*]2 Carriers (10pt) – Ton Falk-class escort [*]4 Star Destroyers (20pt) – Imperial II-class [*]1 Battlecruiser (20pt) – Praetor Mk II-class [/List] [b]The Reserve Rapid Response Fleet[/b] (102pt); complement of 791 starfighters [List] [*]16 Corvettes (8pt) – 10 Raider-class, 6 Vigil-class [*]8 Frigates (16pt) – 4 Tartan Patrol, 2 Carrack-class, 2 Class II [*]6 Cruisers (18pt) – 5 Gladiator-class, 1 Broadside [*]5 Heavy Cruisers (20pt) – 2 Vindicator-class, 2 VictoryI/II-class, 1 Interdictor [*]1 Carriers (5pt) – Ton Falk-class [*]3 Star Destroyers (15pt) – 2 Imperial I-class, 1 Imperial II-class [*]1 Battlecruiser (20pt) – Secutor-class [/List] [b][color=92278f]Strategic resources:[/color][/b] (if present, these would include large shipyards, important stockpiles of rare materials (Bespin’s gas, Thyferra’s bacta,…) and such) TBA [b][color=92278f]Other:[/color][/b] (Such as siege equipment, a secret service, internal security, important mercenaries, or paramilitary forces, etc.) [/indent] [h3][b]Regime personalities:[/b][/h3] [hider=Kaul Bylvers][Center][img] http://img00.deviantart.net/d3f3/i/2006/236/2/d/capt__malcolm_reynolds_by_arwenpandora.jpg[/img][/Center] [b][color=92278f]Name:[/color][/b] Grand Admiral Kaul Bylvers [b][color=92278f]Race:[/color][/b]Human (Corulag) [b][color=92278f]Age:[/color][/b] 29 [b][color=92278f]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Pragmatic and ruthless, Kaul enjoys taking calculated risks, which has earned him a reputation of tactical brilliance. He is aware, however, that he lacks the certain military genius some believe him to have and tries to compensate this by extensive study of both history, strategic codices, and works of military theory. The new tactics he and others of his generation employ, have led to the older rank and file to consider him unorthodox and dangerous. Not seeing the calculation behind his decisions, Kaul has more than once been condemned for a dangerous brute. This stumping of his ambitions fuelled his rancour towards the old guard. Though indeed no stranger to brutality, Kaul has come to consider it –and his notoriously savage rages- as a tool, one of the personal weapons in his arsenal. Alternatively imposing or charming, his quick mind always usually resorts to violence of a psychological sort, whereas previously his abuse was considerably more traditional. His intelligence and impressive rhetorical skills allowed him to ascend the Imperial hierarchy in spite of opposition of more conservative superiors. Indeed, Kaul’s true talents lie within the fields of organisation and oratory, both of which spill over into tactics and inspiring the troops. While not an impressive pilot, Kaul Bylvers is apt at handling his men. Admiral Bylvers is loyal to the Army and the Fleet as prestigious institutions, seeing them as the best bet to ensure the Empire’s survival. Additionally, he is grateful for the lessons his military career has taught him. Most importantly for tempering his ferocity and enabling his guile, recognising self-restraint was the truest mark of a man. This insight has, nonetheless, led to a lot of pent up frustration and aggression. Palpatine and Vader might be gone, but the order and honour of the imperium will live on. As a military man he has a duty to uphold, though he is recently in dubio as to what this duty exactly is and to whom his allegiance belongs. In this time of chaos, Kaul adheres to the values of discipline, efficiency and respect and trusts these will maintain stability. [/indent] [b][color=92278f]History & Background:[/color][/b] [indent]Born just before the start of the Clone Wars (25BBY), Kaul grew up as a child of Emperor Palpatine’s New Order. For Kaul Bylvers, violence was an exquisitely effective, practical means toward attaining a desired end. His introduction to its virtues came during his childhood, when he was forced to burn down alien farmlands with his intolerant father on Corulag. Bylvers senior was a man whose drive and ambition exceeded his qualities, which turned him into a pathetic figure in Kaul’s later years. Initially, being younger than ten years of age, Kaul had trouble with placing the wanton viciousness towards non-humans his family exposed him to. Despite his clearly racist upbringing, he took a more pragmatic approach towards employing violence. Especially after his own record started to outshine his unapologetic speciesist father. Nevertheless, Kaul was foisted with his sire’s aspirations for political and military prestige. Then, in his Imperial Academy days attending the Corulag Imperial Military Academy, competing in the close-combat arena, his brutality earned him accolades as the intramural champion. His military education provided him with much needed refinement, the discipline giving him the means to shackle his early-taught ruthlessness, encouraging the increasingly pragmatic view of life he was adopting. The young Corulag native later transferred to nearby Anaxes, as to receive further formation at the War College there. Shortly after his graduation, Kaul broke entirely with the idea of ‘high-human culture’, deciding being a proper and loyal Imperial had little to do with one’s racial background. In such a colourful universe, that was a reality one could not aspire to. Uniformity would not be lost. Instead, he measured others by their devotion to the New Order, as well as their skill and efforts in pursuit of their goals. His initial deployment saw him hunting seditionist cells throughout the Mid and Outer Rim. He was dismayed by the outcome of the Battle of Yavin 4, and had the greatest trouble giving credence to the efficiency of the Rebel Offensive ensuing it. Large chunks of Mid Rim territory were lost to the Rebel Alliance, and pirate raids were able to pierce through the Imperial defence lines. Given insufficient means to repel either Rebels or pirates, Kaul Bylvers nevertheless managed to pull several victories out of the fires engulfing the Mid Rim. In 3ABY, Kaul participated in the Battle of Hoth, serving under Admiral Piett who had orders to sequester the system. Captaining his Victory II-class, Kaul was commended for his service. Supposedly the apex of his career on the front lines, he was shortly after recalled to the Galactic Core on baseless charges. By now it was becoming increasingly clear to the young officer, that Palpatine was taking leave of reality, letting sycophants and libellers call the shots. Kaul Bylvers felt cheated from his deserved glory, being redeployed in safe sectors for patrol duty; something he saw as little more than forced retirement. However much he hated policing docile systems, he remained diligent in his tasks, and even put down an uprising and thwarted a Rebel deep strike directed at the energy-supply world of Sarapin. This new mandate, though, would not last very long. For Kaul Bylvers, following the Emperor’s fatality at Endor, he was shocked at the almost total collapse of the Imperial chain of command. In the ensuing chaos, many Imperials turned on one another, resulting in a disastrous loss of apparel, personnel, ships and cohesion. Nevertheless, the debacle at Endor increased the need of competent officers, and so the fracturing of the Galactic Empire also opened higher tier ranks for capable women. After a profound purge of Sector Zero’s officer’s cadre, Kaul found himself promoted from Senior Captain to Fleet Admiral. A failed stunt by his predecessor saw him elevated again, to High Admiral. This supposed recognition of his talents by the newly proclaimed Grand Moff Vel, illustrates the need for competent officers in the higher echelons of command post-Endor. These promotions brought with them a ship transfer, leaving Kaul in command of his own Praetor Mark II-battlecruiser. Bylver’s primary loyalty being to the fleet, he had little difficulty in making the switch to serving the Grand Moff Dashara Vel’s Imperial faction. Kaul believed strongly in the ability of the Empire, and especially its military, to bring order and stability where the Rebel Alliance and New Republic could not. A former Ace Pilot and strong supporter of the Fleet, she represents the best choice for a continued Imperial state.[/indent][/hider]