Shelly blinked once, then twice. God, was she not ready to wake up. And Missy wasn't there, having been woken, probably by those oafs next door, Maeson and that lot. She glanced at the calendar on the wall. Yep, that seemed right. Why couldn't they just let him sleep in? She would be willing to do the cooking on his days, if it meant that Miss would get the sleep She was due. This was in no way a good start to the day for shelly chambers. Lonely, woken too early, and with pain in her wrists. She looked down at said wrists. Rope burn. She would be wearing a long-sleeved shirt today. She slipped into said shirt. A red one with a black collar, buttons, and cuffs. She buttoned it the whole way to the top, and slipped on a pair of black slim jeans. She slicked her hair back with care, and slipped into a pair of faded green sneakers, and set off to find Missy.