[center] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/Absolute_Grace/swdfghj_zpsm6lkrsey.png[/img] [color=lightyellow]Eve Slayer | 26 | Female[/color] [/center] [center] [color=lightyellow][i]“I once thought these beasts were merely acting on instinct, but they appear to be in full control of their actions. They cause destruction because they want to, because they can. For this reason they will meet a swift end.”[/i][/color] [/center] Appearance & Physical Characteristics: [indent][url=http://img10.deviantart.net/53fc/i/2014/148/2/9/comm__rise_of_runesmith_ranger_by_unrealsmoker-d73y2xq.jpg]Reference[/url][color=gray] by [url=http://unrealsmoker.deviantart.com/gallery/]unrealsmoker[/url][/color] A tiny slayer standing at a petite five foot one, Evelyn’s small stature causes her to be constantly underestimated. Despite this, she has beautiful features, high cheekbones, blonde hair sitting just below her shoulders and pale green eyes which sometimes appear to whiten in hue. People assume that because of her ability she has no scars, but this is not the case. Evelyn's first time slaying as a young girl was very nearly her last and now she is branded with the marks of her inexperience. Her lower back is marred by an entry wound and her abdomen, an exit wound. Around the wound on her back there is also a splattering of small burn marks that look to have been caused by an extremely hot liquid. Evelyn strives to keep her ears covered at all times due to a dragon like abnormality which has caused her ears to be pointed with feathery like white tips and scaly skin. She has also noticed a recent adaption that has her exhaling breath coming out cold rather than warm.[/indent] Clothing/Armour Style: [indent]Evelyn wears light armour consisting of dragon hide vambraces and shoulder guards plated with strips of polished dragon bone. Under this, a thick leather [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Xc0gNhkLP_U/TN8zaNt6RKI/AAAAAAAAAQg/zN_QzrFno2A/s1600/back.png]bodice[/url] over a simple white blouse. Her legs are covered in tight fitted dark grey wool breeches under mid thigh-high leather lace up boots. She also always wears a hooded cloak as much to hide her ears as to keep warm from the frigid mountain air and dreary weather conditions.[/indent] [center]Personality: Serious | Intelligent | Perceptive | Forward-thinking | Courteous[/center] Ability/ies: [indent]Not the strongest of Dragonslayers (in regards to physical power/strength), Evelyn more than makes up for this with her enhanced intelligence and agility. Her agility and swiftness allows her to accomplish all manner of seemingly impossible acrobatics, many claiming that she flies over the battlefield. Her reflexes are superior and she needs not to physically defend herself since she will always get out of the way of any direct attack. Unfortunately [b]if[/b] Evelyn were to be directly struck by a physical attack, then the damage would be high because she lacks a sturdy build. Her great intelligence and ingenuity are also factors which lead to her success in battles. Evelyn is specifically good at coming up with counter measures and strategies for all manner of situations and can remember the smallest details. Since she is rumoured to be able to 'slow time,' many refer to her as the Eve Slayer.[/indent] Brief history: [indent]Like most dragon slayers, Evelyn was born into the guild with Dragon Sodality being as much in her blood as it is her history. She is a direct descendant of Deron Orion, the guilds creator and first master. Since the time of Deron there has always been a D'Orion in the position as master of the guild and Evelyn, the only child of the current master, is next in line. The current master is a harsh man, impossibly tall, well built with black hair and all-round brutish in appearance. The complete opposite of his daughter. The only similarity between the two are the pale green eyes which seem to have been passed down through the ages of the D'Orion bloodline. While Evelyn looks nothing like her father, she looks very similar to her beautiful blonde haired mother. Ten years after Evelyn's father was made Master of Dragon Sodality he grew colder and the last thing anyone expected was that he would marry the Mayor's daughter of a nearby town. The two were somehow perfect together and it wasn't long before they had a daughter. Evelyn was loved equally by both of her parents, but her father gave her more of a tough love and made sure that she was always training. He was very strict about this and often unintentionally overworked her. Evelyn, despite her young age, never held it against the man and knew that all of it would help her in the future and prepare her to be the next master. On her very first Hunt, she was required to go out alone and put everything she had learnt to trial. She was to slay her first dragon, but it couldn't be any ordinary dragon, it needed to be something which would gain her a lot of respect within the guild. Or at least that was what she had decided. Her mother, who at the time was heavily pregnant with a second child, found out about her daughters intentions and set out after her. Long story short, after managing to track down a large drake to a marshland, things took a turn for the worst when said dragon became the hunter in a dangerous turn of events which revealed the drake to be a rare breed of acidic dragon. With nothing but a sword Evelyn's situation became worse when the dragon began using projectile spit with a liquid substance that burnt away anything it touched. One such attack hit the young and inexperienced slayer in the lower back whilst she was dodging a tail swipe. The spit burnt the flesh and went straight through her body, just missing major internal organs. As Evelyn fell to her knees the dragon fired its finishing blow, but the attack didn't make its mark for Evelyn's mother shielded her and took the brunt of it. The acid hit the stomach of the pregnant woman and down she fell with a pleased dragon looking forward to its entree and main course. But Evelyn saw red and using a half melted dragon talon sword took down the beast. Only a few minutes later the guilds master found his wife and daughter heavily injured but still alive. Both girls survived, but not without cost. The baby was lost. [/indent] Equipment/Inventory: [indent]Evelyn prefers ranged combat and uses an iron forged bow and dragon horn quiver that she keeps stocked with dragon bone carved arrows. She also has a large pair of dragon fang daggers crafted from an acidic breed of dragon which are able to easily cut through all kinds of material from metal to dragons. She made these after her very first dragon slaying trip while recovering from her almost life threatening injuries. She keeps both sheathed on her belt, one on either side of her hips. Inside of a leather satchel attached to the back of her belt. -Flint and steel -Dried fuit and bread -Leather water flask -Leather bound [url=https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=i&source=imgres&cd=&ved=0CAYQjBwwAGoVChMI4abMzYr7xwIVo9mmCh20QAcj&url=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F236x%2Fce%2F25%2Fea%2Fce25ea827c6ddebff3c65bf406ce965b.jpg&psig=AFQjCNG8q7p4BtHq-E66hOsiv_S0AKwBXg&ust=1442476704128335]journal[/url] -An inkwell and a simple metal quill -Coil of rope -Plain iron knife -Extra set of breeches and extra blouse -A dozen small cloth bound powders used to disrupt a dragons sense of scent and vision by throwing it at them [/indent] Possible full dragon form: [indent][url=http://kamakru.deviantart.com/art/Sea-Cloud-Dragon-design-adoptable-CLOSED-447048430]Reference by Kamakru[/url] In regards to stature, Evelyn's dragon form would most probably match perfectly with her human form as it is also quite petite and lithe, making for great running, climbing and leaping. The larger than body wings would make for extremely fast yet graceful and effortless flight. Blonde, almost white colouring to cover her whole form with a mix of feathers and hair which illuminates under the sunlight with an almost pearlescent effect.[/indent]