[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/Kingdom_Come_Superman_Banner_by_Erik_Lehnsherr_zps6f10f35a.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Earth's orbit[/b] Clark floated through space towards the Watchtower, admiring how beautiful his adopted home really was from up here. Zod had tried so hard to get Clark to turn against the people that had raised him in order to rule them. Of course Clark never considered it, and how could he? This world was a gem in the cosmos, and he would make sure that it would stay that way. This was his planet to protect, and now he had a team that could help him do that. The Justice League were the most powerful people in the world, and they would defend the people of the planet with their lives if they had to. Clark was content with his place in the Universe, even if it was a grueling one. "Watchtower, this is Superman," he said into his commlink. "Open the hangar bay doors." "Affirmative, Kal Zod,' BRAINIAC's mechanical voice responded. "Welcome home." Clark smiled and shook his head. BRAINIAC was the Kryptonian AI that controlled the ship's higher functions and allowed J'onn to focus on keeping an eye on Earth. BRAINIAC was also one of the few links Superman had to his Kryptonian homeworld. Though much of what Clark had learned was horrifying, but he also learned about the technological feats which his people managed to create at their time on top of the galaxy. At least there was something to be proud of. He had also learned his mother Lara was part of that scientific advancement. She came to him through BRAINIAC somehow, and only at certain times. She gave him advice, and said she always hoped he would redeem the Kryptonians rather than continue their path of destruction. She was proud of him, and while he'd never really know her, that meant something to him. At least there was one other Kryptonian he could be proud of. The Watchtower's bottom half cracked open like a glowing egg as the landing bay opened. Clark glided in, landing comfortably next to the one remaining Kryptonian dropships, dubbed the Javelin by Clark and J'onn. The other two had been destroyed during the fight with the Kryptonian Army. They had been doing their best to collect the pieces so the alien technology didn't fall into the wrong hands, but it was slow going and Clark was sure a good amount had most likely found its way onto the black market. They'd have to deal with that eventually, but for now it wasn't a major issue. "Welcome aboard, sir," BRAINIAC said, one of his physical modules floated up next to Superman. BRAINIAC was everywhere on the ship, and he had small, floating, physical pods he could control to talk to people directly. "I have made headway in getting the weapon systems dismantled." "Good job, BRAINIAC," Clark smiled at the little robot. "How much longer?" "I hope to have it done in a few months," the bot bobbed. "Emperor Zod's firewalls were powerful." Clark passed into the control room, where he found J'onn sitting in the seat that allowed him to monitor the Earth. Clark had tried to get the Martian to spend more time on the planet's surface and to assimilate, but he had been reluctant. Clark figure he felt awkward around the new people, but Superman was certain he could get J'onn to relax a bit eventually. "I have been trying to track that Kryptonian but have been unable to do so," he said in a deep, booming voice. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll show up again," Clark took the seat next to him. "You know you should probably not watch this all the time. The people don't like it." "Yes, well, it helps me learn," he responded, not breaking his gaze on the screen. "Wait." "What?" "The Raft...it's having a breakout," J'onn frantically began typing, bringing up the super max prison. The doors were automatically opening and freeing prisoners. "This is a high level cyber attack." "Those guards don't stand a chance," Superman sighed. "I need to get down there."