[b]Name:[/b] Orvar [b]Race:[/b] Asgard (Vanir) [b]Gender:[/b] Asexual clone (male personality) [b]Age:[/b] Unknown (clone body approx 2,000 years old, the implanted consciousness is much, much, older.) [b]Organization:[/b] The Vanir 'Nation' [b]Appearance:[/b] What with being part of a splinter of the primary Asgard race, Orvar is extremely like them in almost every respect; in height he is the size of a full grown human child, although much more emaciated - even if more robust and overall healthier than his Asgard brothers - his long limbs and whipcord musculature moving visibly beneath his glistening grey skin. Staring out from his extended cranium are the two distinct bottomless black eyes, like pits of the void or obsidian, near unblinking above the two slits that act as nostrils for this alien species and the down turned, almost fish-like, mouth. Of course, the Vanir are never far from their armoured exoskeletons; though they may not be required or needed at the time, these protective shells have become an almost insuperable part of Vanir society, and so it is rather uncommon for anyone to be looking directly into anything but the visor of this over-six-foot construct. Orvar's own exo-suit has taken a beating over the centuries, and has sustained damage while in the Idea galaxy. As such it is prone to malfunctions and certain systems cutting out at bad times, which would not be so bad if he were not so far from his home but, as it stands, he is forced to make makeshift repairs when and where he can. (Specs for the suit can be found here: http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Armored_exoskeleton) [b]Personality[/b]: Cold, stoic to the extreme, and even emotionless are how many view the Vanir, and therefore Orvar as well. To quite an extent this is true, for while this offshoot of the mother race can certainly be described as far more callous and toughened against emotions more often found in the Tau'ri and other humanoid races, Orvar himself breaks this mould to an extent. He is inquisitive, loyal to those that can get through his barriers and cope with his sometimes unethical attitude to other species, and is, for a Vanir, considered far too 'open' with outsiders. This does not mean that he will willingly share all he knows, and as with all his species, unlike their extinct brethren, he guards secrets that others do not need to know with a ferocious will. One major flaw is that, due to his higher brain function being simply over-advanced, he is no longer able to think in simple terms. This is surely a weakness when it comes to original thought, although the very fact that Orvar is considered to be the Vanir version of a maverick nonconformist helps him to overcome this problem to some extent. [b]Skills:[/b] There are many skills that Orvar possesses that others would find useful - from his rather exhaustive compendium of Asgard knowledge, to his innate brain functions above anything that a human could ever hope to achieve – he is known to enjoy a game of chess, the studying of other cultures, and willingness to embrace what others of his race would not. [b]History:[/b] The consciousness that is 'Orvar' came into being when it was transferred into the very first clone body of many that it would inhabit over the millennia, becoming aware of itself and all that was around it some twenty-thousand years after the first Asgard entered the Milky Way galaxy and began to spread out their feelers, intent on peace and mutual protection from the threats they knew were out there. For some millennia he laboured away as part of the Asgard science division, studying the technology of the Ancients, and eventually partaking in the effort to halt the advance of the Goa'uld upon human inhabited worlds; during this time he and others began to experiment on the human populace and were branded as immoral and going against the teachings of the peaceful Asgard. Some ten-thousand years ago his people, a fractured mass of Asgard who believed that studies on humans and other living beings would help to halt their races degeneration, branded by their pitiless judges as the Vanir, left the Ida galaxy and their original home-world of Othala to venture out into space and find a place where their selfless experimentation would be tolerated, if not accepted. Upon arriving in the Pegasus galaxy they became onlookers to the war surging between the Lanteans and the Wraiths, believing that the former would win due to their clearly superior technology – it was a mistake, one inherent in the Asgard race, one that would see many Vanir killed, their intergalactic vessels annihilated, and without the means to produce further vessels they were forced to flee and hide where the Wraith could not find them. Orvar was there throughout the entire war, concentrating more on his studies, but eventually having to step up and become a soldier in a war that was not his or that of the Vanir. He has never forgiven the Lanteans for leaving them to face the Wraith alone, nor let go of the burning hatred that he harbours for the Wraith. Finding sanctuary upon a toxic planet, the atmosphere and very air acting as a shield against Wraith detection, for the smallest of time the Vanir were allowed to work in peace. This could not last. Over the eons, the planet became more and more hostile, which required the Vanir to make use of powerful Armoured exoskeletons to protect them; eventually the planet became so toxic that they were forced off world and back into the galaxy, ten-thousand years having passed and ended with the defeat of the Lanteans and the ascendancy of the Wraith as the major power of the Pegasus galaxy. Due to their period of isolation, the Vanir had managed to stave off the chronic disease that ravaged their kind, but even they could not halt it entirely. By the time the events involving the fabled Attero device occurred, two Vanir ships being destroyed as humans from Atlantis sought to rescue two of their own, and save millions more, Orvar was already preparing himself to act as an 'explorer' into other sections of the universe. The Vanir now knew that their kindred had become extinct, that their planets had been overrun or destroyed by the Replicator menace, and that within the Ida galaxy must remain the collective knowledge of the Asgard and all they had done since the sundering of the two factions to different sides of the stars. Experienced, willing, and relatively stable in his genome, the Vanir known as Orvar was sent in a one-man vessel toward whatever remained of the Asgard home galaxy. Once there, he was instructed to sift through everything he could find! He would scour apparently deserted planets, gather any and all information he could or that had survived, and eventually return to the Pegasus galaxy and his people. Survival was the single driving force of his race, and he had seen too much to let them go the same way as the Asgard – he went without hesitation, volitionally, and vowed one day to return. He remains there still, intent and focused on his self-imposed quest, should others - others that may be of use in helping or advancing his findings - come his way, well, he would not refuse to co-operate with such honoured guests. [b]Addendum:[/b] The events of the "Stargate Atlantis: The Third Path" novel, being set in 2010, have obviously taken place. Orvar, however, has no knowledge of this – being away in the Ida galaxy, rather than the Milky Way – and continues his research using a simple, one man, vessel designed solely for transport and research I.E. it is not armed, has no shields, but does contain on it a small lab.