Welcome and will do. I didn't manage to get the OOC finished and ready to be posted today as I had planned, so that will be delayed. In the meantime, here's the CS if anyone wants to get started: [b]Name:[/b] No aliases please, this isn't a conspiracy murder RP. [b]Age:[/b] Keep it young, below 16 at least, preferably younger. [b]Gender:[/b] This one should be pretty easy. [b]Appearance:[/b] Pic or description, I don't really care what, so long as it gets the point across I'm fine with it. [b]Personality:[/b] Make it as basic and nondescriptive as possible. The personality should be formed organically in the IC, I just don't want two characters being exactly the same. [b]History:[/b] Brief. They are just your average kids, remember. No ridiculous dramatic episodes please. [b]Thoughts:[/b] This part is mandatory. Toss out some ideas or thoughts that you think might be fun to try in this kind of open environment. An RP is meant to be fun, so I like incorporating as much input as possible from those involved. Be as serious or ridiculous as you want here, I won't bite. [b]Dreams:[/b] And this one is completely optional. What does your character like to do in their dreams? Do they have continuing dreams, or is it always different? Why are they creating the dreams that they are? Feel free to ignore this if you'd rather save it for the IC, just think about it for later. (Sorry for any typos. I'm posting this from my phone, which I hate doing.) Edit: Thanks Luna, but I was just a little busy today. Nothing a Friday afternoon can't clear up.