[hider=Vitalis] [b]Name:[/b] Vitalis Blackwater [b]Alias/Nickname:[/b] Vi, Thundercloud, The Lacerator, Baroness Blackwater [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FvMyaBA.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/I4xYFdj.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Race:[/b] Human with a bit of Ifrit blood [b]Personality:[/b] Though she may not look it at first Vitalis is a very well behaved individual, she has retained her manners from her life as a noble and knows how to act in public to appear as a well mannered and polite individual. However Vitalis is a very cocky person, for good reason too, she has an uncanny amount of luck further brought on by her prized possession the Ring of Scorn. Her darker side arises in battle however, she has a love for seeing blood spilled and enjoys nothing more than seeing her enemies brain pan emptied onto the ground after placing a shot between their eyes. She is not inherently nice but Vitalis is polite, never going out of her way to insult someone but you must earn her trust before she will treat you with any kindness. [b]Biography/history:[/b] To know anything about Vitalis one must first know about her Father, Fredrick Derring who took the title and surname Baron Blackwater when he founded the blackwater estates. He was an Ifrit/human bastard who started a mercenary company known as the "Red Talons" and retired near Blackwater lake, naming his estate after it and taking the name as he became the owner and lord of the surrounding lands. It was in this estate that Vitalis was born and raised, her mother was a human wife of Fredrick so she inherited a more human look than her father. She had a pampered life living as the daughter of a wealthy Baron, though she had no interest in her father's court and spent most of her time out on the grounds or begging her father to take her out on hunts or go horse back riding when he was free. Fredrick while a stern and hard man was not unkind to his daughter, he allowed her the freedom to pursue her interests and spent time with her when he could, teaching her to sword fight and use a bow, even fire a rifle when she was old enough. Though her survival skills do not come from anything she learned from her father, it actually comes form how much time she spent out in the forest using her magic to commune with the wild. In her early teens she even started going out with the hunters and helping them as they taught her how to track and using weapons for hunting. What Vitalis did not know however was that her father planned for her to learn all these things, giving her the freedom to choose her own path of skills he wanted Vitalis to grow up and take over his estate after his death, but she had to prove herself first. It was during the 24th year of her life that Fredrick laid upon his death bed and revealed this to Vitalis, having his servants prepare her for her journey Vitalis had to go out and earn her own wealth, earn her name and come back when she was ready to take on the title of Baroness Blackwater. [b]Reason for recruitment:[/b] Vitalis lives in her father's shadow and joined the Knights with the intention of proving herself. She plans to rise up in the ranks of the Knights of Star. [b]Strength of Will:[/b] Greater Will [b]Magic:[/b] [hider=Wild Magic] [list] [*] [b]Divination[/b] [list] [*] [b]Hawk's Eye:[/b] When concentrating Vitalis is able to open her mind's eye and look through the gaze of her animal companion, allowing her to see everything through their eyes while maintaining a limited awareness of her surroundings. [*] [b]Future Sight:[/b] This spell requires her full concentration but can give Vitalis small glimpses into the future. However not everything she see's is entirely true or definitely going to happen, things can be changed when one takes their fate into their own hands but the spell helps give Vitalis an idea of events to come. [*] [b]Animal Speak:[/b] A simple spell, it allows Vitalis to communicate with animals and gain the knowledge of things they have seen. [/list] [/list] [/hider] [b]God relations:[/b] None [b]Tech:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Shard Rifle:[/b] A sniper rifle that uses physical projectiles the Shard Rifle is a excellent weapon for ranged combat. The chamber of the gun houses a crystal of interchangable colours and is loaded with a charged battery pack to power the weapon. When fired the inner workings of the weapon break off a small shard of the crystal and it is accelerated out of the barrel at 3,356 feet per second, more than double the speed of sound. Because it is a physical projectile Vitalis has to take into account things like air drag and drop on her shots at longer distances. The crystals must be reloaded when spent and can also be changed to use different elemental properties, the colour usually dictating what elements the shot will be. [*] [b]Mutli-vision Goggles:[/b] Using a mix of tech and magic these goggles allow the wearer to see in the dark or detect living creatures through walls at the cost of losing perception of their physical surroundings. [*] [b]Communicator:[/b] A device worn on the wrist paired with a headset that acts as a way of communicating with others with similar devices. It also functions as a small computer and has the ability to monitor the wearers vital signs. [*] [b]Heat Dagger:[/b] A blade kept sheathed at the small of Vitalis' back, when gripped the blade is charged by a small energy pack and burns at a high temperature along the edge. [*] [b]Monocyte Breeder Implant:[/b] A special medical implant that allows the subject to fight off disease and toxins. Because of this implant Vitalis can ingest poisons, survive a lethal dosage of venom or shake off the effects of toxic weapons after just a few minutes. [*] [b]Nano-weave Armour:[/b] A mix of cloth with ceramic plating her armour is able to stop most energy weapons, deflect blades, and stop glancing shots from arrows. It is made to be fire proof and helps insulate against electricity. [*] [b]Cameoline Cloak:[/b] A special camouflage cloak created by weaving threads soaked in a special chemical into a cloak or jacket. When charged by a battery pack the material will take on the natural colours and shaped of the wear's surroundings, concealing the wearer. At long distances it is almost impossible to see someone wearing this type of cloak when it is employed, even those with the sharpest eyesight would have trouble spotting them. [/list] [b]Possessions/items/property:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Ring of Scorn:[/b] A piercing in Vitalis' ear this magical item actually allows her the ability to cause pain to her enemies at the cost of hurting herself in the process. To use it she must have recently injured her victim in a none fatal way. then she is able to hurt herself, usually by making a small cut on her arm, and this will cause her victim to feel the pain amplified to an almost maddening level. It is an effective method of torture but too much use can cause fatal damage to Vitalis. [*] [b]Modified Bear Traps:[/b] These brutal devices are no longer intended for hunting, instead they have been modified into brutal yet effective weapons. While still being a normal bear trap they have been designed to also be filled with a flammable liquid and when triggered they shoot the liquid into the air and coat those who are caught in the device. it then creates a spark using flint and sets the victim on fire. [*] [b]Fay:[/b] Fay is a brown hunting hawk and one of Vitalis' closest friends. He has been a companion of her's for several years and communicates with Vitalis mentally. [*] [b]Enchanted items:[/b] Integrated into her armour Vitalis wears several items that enhance her physical abilities using magic enchantments. It allows her to carry heavy loads of gear unhindered, leap much further than she could normally and survive long periods of time without any nourishment. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] Vitalis is a excellent tracker and hunter and very few can compete against her accuracy with a rifle. When it comes to sword fighting her skill is not amazing but she can fend for herself. However the amount of luck Vitalis has is uncanny, it is as though she is blessed by some higher being, though she claims to not follow any gods. Her natural conditioning is also very high, on foot she is very quick and able to out run most of her comrades with ease. Also when it comes to disarming and setting traps Vitalis is the go to person, she is never without a supply of equipment to rig up traps that can capture or maim and has the knowledge and know how to disarm almost anything. [b]Misc:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOg8izkXc7Q]Theme Song[/url] [/hider]