[center][IMG]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/Absolute_Grace/Freya-Morhen_zpsedi3e465.png[/IMG][/center] [center][i]"I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and its the way of the warrior to fight superior odds."[/i] ~[color=00aeef]Paul Watson[/color][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Freya Morhen [b]Alias[/b]: Cledwyn [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/68/27/42/6827422a0e6e48938ca6538d396a5c5b.jpg]Appearance[/url] & Physical Characteristics[/b] [u]Height/Weight[/u]: 5'9/ 152 lbs. [u]Hair Color/Style[/u]: Fiery red, regretfully it was damaged in the line of duty and thus has been cut down to a manageable 3 in. [u]Eye Color[/u]: It used to be a storm grey but recently touches of sanguine have begun to invaded the edges of her iris. [u]Distinguishing Marks[/u]: Several small scars in multiple places around her body. The only big scar is a ragged claw across her upper back, beginning on the left shoulder and ending just at the bottom of the ribcage on the right side of her body. Freya also has several tattoos, a triskele located on her left jugular, a simple dragon coiling around a sword that has impaled its head that runs down her spine, and a group of tally marks adding up to eleven all on her right bicep. All of these tattoos are a pale blue in color. Finally the "Dragons Curse" has run heavily in her veins, giving her ears a small point, teeth becoming sharper, fingernails growing suspiciously like claws, and eyes becoming more like the beasts she hunts. [u]Clothing/Armor Style[/u]: Freya wares simple, functional garments that, while not winning her any beauty pageants, fit well on her frame. Her usual ensemble is a pair of leather leggings, iron tipped boots, a white top usually made of cotton or wool, and a leather vest. Her armor is almost completely made from dragon materials, with iron studs holding some things together. But beyond that everything is either dragon scale, hide, or bone. (reference the picture) [b]Personality[/b]: Strong, proud, courageous, hot-blooded, insecure [center][i]We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict. [/i] ~[color=00aeef]Jim Morrison[/color][/center] [b]Abilities[/b]: Freya has a reputation as being one of the strongest dragonslayers out there, able to lift a heavyset man without too much effort and in one of her more dire times kept a dragons jaws from clamping down upon her. She is also blessed with superior senses, touch, taste, sight, and sound all heightened greatly. However cities quickly overwhelm her her and as such tends to stay away as much as possible. [b]Brief history[/b]: The Mohren family has been apart of Dragon Solidarity since its founding, the profession of Dragonslaying being passed down from first born to first born until little Freya came out into the world. Since the day she could hold a sword her father trained her, teaching her the trade until little Freya wasn't so little anymore and father had gotten grey in the beard. It was time to go. Freshly turned into a young woman, she and several other young slayers joined together on a hunt, trying to bring down a dragon massive in size. In their young arrogance they thought they could cut corners, become sloppy as they closed in on the lair before all hell broke loose. They all died, one by one they were picked off before it was just Freya and the beast. To this day she doesn't remember how it exactly happened, how it scooped her up and swallowed her whole. What she does remember is cutting her way out of it. How the stomach acids stung her eyes and nose, the thud of the beasts heart as it realized something was not quite right in its gut, the iron taste blood as she nearly drowned in it, and finally the ear shattering screech as she finally spills out of the dragon and its thrashing as she breathed fresh air for the first time in minutes. She trudged back to civilization as the dragon died in agony, her armor destroyed and her weapons broken. Freya was baptized I blood, shedding away her naivety and innocence all in one blow. From there Freya's notions of glory and fame were crushed, making way for duty and humility to reign king. [b]Equipment/Inventory[/b]: Beyond her armor Freya's most prized tool is her sword, Caladbolg. Technically a two-and-a-half hand sword, able to switch freely between using one or two hands. The blade was once a mighty horn, now shaved down and forged into the tool of war it is now. The hilt is iron and has been wrapped in dragon hide, the only thing left of her original sword. Beyond this she usually carries several daggers of both iron and bone with her at all times, weapons of last resort. Finally Freya has a large, well worn leather carrier bag filled with poultices', poisons, oils, and herbs useful for her hunts. [b]Possible full dragon form[/b]: [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/193/b/1/odahviing_by_indfries-d56xf9a.png]An angry and terrible thing.[/url] Freya's full dragon form stands upon two legs while her wings help travel along the ground. Her scales are a deep red, offset bey accents of blue along crevasses and the multitude of spikes upon her back. The tail is slightly longer than she is and is armed with a heavy spade like tip. Finally when she unleashes her fire it comes out as a concentrated stream of heat and anger