[center][img]http://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NErfxQp69fy4ur_1_b.jpg[/img][/center] Something was off about the female that approached. Some... strange energy. He would have to watch her closely. Not everything was as it seemed. He chuckled about that to himself, of course not everything was as it seemed. Was that not why he was here? Or at least that was why he was saying he was here. The only thing true was that he was fiercely loyal to Latveria and intended to protect it from these thugs who encroached upon sovereign ground. The Doom dogs were patrolling around the area, while the Doombots simply stood behind him. He was currently using the decoy models rather than the more average drone design. Always keep them guessing after all. Though one Doom would talk they had no idea if it was the real Doom or not. That is when one of them spoke. "You have no need of your guards here. No weapons will be fired in my presence." He turned to the Sokovian governments representative who was approaching with even more guards and the military was moving in. He raised his hand. "Your army shall come no further, this is to discover who the aggressor towards Latveria was so I can then take a course of action. There shall be no combat here, if you wish to fight my forces will intervene and I cannot guarantee a bloodless conflict." The army stopped advancing, but did not retreat. At least they saw some sense of reason. As both the representatives closed he tipped his head slightly, not enough to show subservience but enough to show some iota of respect. "I have come today to discover the truth. Someone sought to take Latverian weapons by force, wearing the uniforms of the government. I will no longer allow your country to fight in a petty civil war that threatens your own and my own people-" Part of this was for the cameras that were already gathering in the distance. He wasn't sure how many of them could get audio on what he was saying but he had to be sure. "-You now have time to alleviate yourselves of any guilt so that I can come to a decision that will benefit your country." The Sokovian Governments representative went to speak and he just raised his hand. "I think you will find, that it is polite to let the Lady speak first." [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/unsuper/images/3/33/Captain_America_Title.png/revision/latest?cb=20141214031746[/img][/center] Wilson wasn't entirely sure what was going on, it felt like is brain was being re-wired and then there was a crash as something came through the roof. Whatever it was it hit it [i]hard[/i] and then went after the beast on front of him. As soon as it's concentration was broken he felt the control of his limbs return, obviously whatever attempt at mind control he had started hadn't been completed. That was always good. Then he heard the panic of the A.I.M agents behind him, stamping his foot down onto his shield it bounced up onto his awaiting arm. He had to hand it to Steve Rogers, while he was a bit apprehensive about the shield to start with it was pretty damn useful. With his right hand he pulled some explosives off his belt and threw them around the hole in the wall before using his pack to follow the two combatants who went tumbling through the wall. Once clear he hit the trigger, the anti-air defenses, wall. Everything came tumbling down. Though comms were quiet. He activated his comm as he followed the devastation left behind by Milton. "Fury, this is Wilson. We've got some kind of super here, and A.I.M are involved. Cordon of the Savage land and send [i]no-one[/i] in. This is serious." "Copy that Wilson, did you get our gift." Wilson switched to hover as he neared the two, the pterodactyl thing nearing Milton in an effort to grab him, moving with suprising speed. "I did Fury, how kind. Wilson, out."