[img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/Absolute_Grace/Momaru-Hatashi_zpsch8k0tf1.png[/img] Name: Momaru Hatashi Alias: Obsidian Twin (Twin 'O' for shot) Age:18 Gender: Male -Appearance & Physical Characteristics: Height/weight: 5ft 4 inches/140lbs, his build is sort of thin and toned, not muscular, but nor frail either. He seems to fit in with an average 'skinny' appearance with averagely fair skin. Eye Color: Grey (dark orange red veins can usually be seen spider webbing through them) Hair color: A dark red/orange that he usually leaves in a sort of mess on his head [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Messy-Hair-DL-375827985](style reference)[/url] Distinguishing marks: A pair of horns growing from his forehead, each curving upwards towards the back of his head, five inches long. Momaru also possesses a tail, Three feet long. It has scales with the blackness of the obsidian formed in a volcano. When angered, an orange/red glow can be seen coming from the areas between the scales. Momaru also possesses two miniature wings, Each no bigger than a dinner plate, bound by cloth to his back so they don't flop around. They're weak and of no real use now, appearance in similar fashion to the scales, but have the orange/red glow to the veins through them. -Clothing/armor style: Clothing: When not in his armor, Momaru wears a hooded vest, usually left open and is made from light materials. It's a soft grey in color with years of wear on it, giving a bit of a blackened appearance to the edges and some of the finer details. on the sides of the hood are deep red eyes, painted on there by himself as he felt it seemed cool at the time. He also happens to wear a pair of baggy shorts and a belt, wearing them as they give him plenty of freedom of movement. Armor: [url=http://farmerownia.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Armor-again-74962081]Medium Light Dragon hide armor[/url] Red and made from dragon hide, it fits a bit large on Momaru, as his parent's didn't want to make it too small. Despite the armor being slightly larger, the nature and flexibility of the dragonhide allows it to be taught against his body, his parents looking to the future and preparing for him. The hide itself is from that of a burning ruby dragon, giving him an additional edge against fire, the armor being resistant to it and dragon attacks. -Personality: Friendly, Defensive, Caring, Rash and Bi-polar [quote]"He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man." -Samuel Johnson[/quote] [quote]"The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings To make me Tame" - Alucard (of Hellsing)[/quote] -Abilities: While his senses are only better than a commoner's by a small amount, his real strengths lie in his Berserker Rage and his second mind, a consciousness seperate from his own in his head, naturally perceptive and hunter like in nature. Strength: Possessing a decent natural strength and quickness from it, Momaru's strength is further bolstered by a berserker rage. At the moment, it is uncontrollable when he shifts, but it is usually due to great emotional or mental distress put upon himself. This strength also grants him thick skin, being more resistant to attacks as well as large resistance to fire and burns, where anything such as a fire from a stove would cause no harm. Dragon fire is much of a different question, as it would be capable of roasting him. Agility: His beserk form seems to increase his agility greatly as well, allowing him to move, jump and dash quickly. Berserker Rage: This rage springs forth from momaru and as one might argue 'corrupts' his form further into dragonhood. His arms from the elbow down and his legs from the knees down get covered in the same obsidian colored scales and emit the same glow from between them; also gaining claws in the process. His wings also grow to be equivalent in size to himself, only the wings gaining a near immunity to fire/heat but are still incapable of flight, only giving an extra boost of speed. His strength is only slightly increased in this form as to his agility gaining a boost. Any damage taken in berserk form is seemingly magnified upon reversion from berserk form to human form. This form is also hard for him to control, lest he fall into a blood lust and lose sight of who his allies are. Thankfully this form is usually kept in check by a second mind, one not of his direct conscious control, but a second voice he is capable of having conversations with in his head, separate of his own mind. -Brief history: Both of his parents were part of the guild, having hailed from different areas of the nation of Vankinore. His father from the West, his mother from the east, not too terribly far from the draconian lands in relation to most normally inhabited areas. Both had family lineage in the guild, average warriors against the dragon menace. they had found eachother while partnering up for a mission and just seemed to work together, clicking and becoming a dragon slaying duo. The pair fell in love, and in time, got married. their love bloomed as did their dragon trophy collection. fighting for months, powering through most threats they knew they could take on, they had the sudden onset of finding out that Momaru's mother was pregnant, upon a doctor healing her after a nasty injury. The boy was astonishingly small, so much so that he was well into the pregnancy when his parents found out. They had the baby a few weeks later and it was doubted that he'd survive, but that he did and the parents, realizing how close to actually losing him they were, sent the boy off to live with a cousin in the mountains of the north west of the nation. there he grew up, never really knowing his parents. By the time he was but a boy, maybe seven or eight seasons old and ready to meet his parents, they had disappeared from the guild, no trace or warning. it wasn't known if they were lost out on a mission or just gone, abandoning the guild. nobody could trace them. The guardian decided to keep it a secret from him, fearing it would upset him too greatly at such a young age. A year later he began to manifest these dragon like attributes. First it was the horns, then a year or two later it was the tail, until at an age of sixteen, he began to grow the wings. His guardian wasn't afraid and accepted the child for who they were, teaching him that there was nothing wrong with him and that he was fine. he learned to accept this as just himself, a voice in the back of his head, one he'd had since childhood and thought an imaginary friend or his conscience, it had been with him since he began to develop these dragon features. It comforted him when he was alone, when he cried. It taught him how to fight, how to hunt predators in the wild, during his teenage years. Deciding for himself, he confronted his guardian and explained he had wanted to go and find out more about himself and his past, so he decided to join the guild he knew his parents were a part of. finding himself too far down a hole already, the guardian nodded, giving him a box his parents left to him and letting him go. Having now only been a part of the guild for a bit under a month, he has yet to go on a hunt for a dragon and has discovered of his parent's disappearance just now. this only served to deepened his thirst for knowledge of what and who he is, and what happened to his parents. -Equipment/Inventory: Weapon: [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Junkyard-Weapons-Skol-the-Bone-Cutter-513565738]Katana Styled Bone Blade[/url] This blade was made from the bones of an iron dragon, these bones being exceptionally strong and actually forgeable, making them sought after in the guild. The blade is designed both to cut with standard slashing movements and also to be spun around to cause blunt trauma to whatever it cannot cut. Other: Rations: Eating foods Skinning knife from obsidian Water: self explanatory Large Swoth of cloth: to set up camp with Possible full dragon form: [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Lava-Dragon-496486893]Reference[/url] This dragon is a bit tricky to defeat. There are sevral ways of doing so, but by no means an ordinary beast. It is possible to douse it in an ocean or lake, extinguishing the fire and hardening this dragon. Otherwise, cutting open of this dragon insues lava spilling out of the wound, just as hot as if it might have come out of the mouth of a volcano. with every wound, the dragon gets smaller. Removing a limb and keeping it removed long enough to cool will force the dragon to grow a new limb, using up the mass of lava inside of its body. However, this dragon can feed on fire and raw materials to grow itself larger in size and power. It is also capable of creating defensive walls with hardened lava from its own mass.